Chapter 3

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-Y/n's POV-

"Um..." I stammer. I wish I wasn't so shy. "I'm-"

"Marshall lee, didn't you hear me calling you?!" Female Finn shouts, bursting into the room with Cake. I jump and shrink into the corner.

"Pfft I heard you but look" He points at me and they look at me.

"What the-"

"Hey who are you?" Cake asks, her face morphing into an angry one. They're all around me. They're too close. Did I mention I'm claustrophobic? I control my breathing and I feel my heart beat fast.

"Fiona, Cake move back, she's freaking out" The boy says. Female Finn, who is I guess Fiona, and Cake move back with an unsure alert face.

"Sorry...I-" I start with a stutter. "I'm Y/n, I'm uh I'm not from here."

"She's hurt!" Fiona points to my injuries, "Cake, bring her down."

Cake extends her paws and carefully carries me downstairs with Fiona and the boy follows behind. I clutch my bag close and tuck my sword in. I don't know what to do. Cake places me on the couch and stretches for some bandages and rubbing alcohol. Fiona sits next to me.

"Where are you from?" She asks.

"Uh another dimension?" I don't know how to word this. "I fell through a portal when I was sent to close it with two friends of mine."

"Well I'm Fiona" She says, "That's Cake-" pointing to the cat wrapping up my knees"-And that's Marshall lee."

Oh that's his name. He nods his head and I wave. After she's done, I thank her and grab my bag.

"You're human! Like me!" Fiona says with a laugh. "Finally I'm not alone!"

I chuckle a bit nervously.

"I'm sorry, for uh intruding" I say standing up and heading for the door. "I'll be going now."

"Whoa whoa whoa, where are you going?" Marshall lee says chuckling, blocking my way.

"Maybe there's a portal back home" I say. "I have friends back home."

"Hey looks go see Prince Gumball!" Fiona chimes. "Maybe he knows what to do."

"Okay let's go" Cake says. I hesitate. Well it wouldn't hurt to go. I sigh and nod. We walk out and the sun burns at my skin. I hate the heat but Fiona and Cake seem fine. I wipe my forehead and suddenly I'm covered in shade. I look to see Marshall lee floating next to me. He doesn't say anything and I don't question it, besides it's cooler now.


"Gumball!" Fiona shouts. "Gumball!"

"Ah Fiona! Cake! And you" His smile disappears as his eyes land on Marshall lee. I stare at Prince Gumball. My stomach knots as I start to get homesick. I miss Bubblegum. Marshall lee roles his eyes.

"Hey your highness" Marshall lee teases. "Shall I bow for you?"

He does an exaggerated bow. I chuckle a bit and Prince Gumball turns his attention to me.

"And you are?" He asks politely.

"I'm Y/n...L/n" I say.

"You're... human!" He exclaims and steps in closer than I'd like. I clear my throat and back away a bit.

"Yeah... I'm not from here" I say.

"She's from another dimension!" Fiona adds in.

"Another dimension? How fascinating! Please come in" Prince Gumball leads us inside. It's just like Bubblegum.

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