Chapter 12

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-Marshall's POV-

I move her hair out of her face. Y/n passed out at the house. For sure I'm not letting her near that house again.

But why did she faint? I want to know what was in that house and why Ice Queen was protecting it.

"BMO, why do you think Ice Queen was protecting that from us?" I ask. BMO turns his gaze from Y/n to me.

"I do not know" BMO replies. That reply puts so weight into my chest.

-Y/n's POV-

Ice Queen, if I don't come back, will you do me a favor?"

"Do not make such assumptions (Y/n)."

"Please, I'm only taking precautions."

"...Fine, what is it?"

"Protect my house, do not let anyone in ever, only from the touch of a human will it set it open. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes but I do not understand why you ask that under the circumstances you might not come back."

"Because I know Marshall Lee and the rest will go in and mourn and I don't want that so shut off and wipe every trace that I was here."

"I can do that, but once you enter that house... everything will come back...little by little."

"It's time for me to go, good bye Ice Queen."

"One more thing, if yo-"

I open my eyes and shoot right up.

"Finn!" I shout. All I see is a blur of different colors. Everytime I have nightmares, I call out for Finn because he usually comforts me and it's a habit.

My nightmare. The conversation. It was between me and the Ice Queen. How did I know her before?

"Y/n?" I flinch and see Marshall Lee coming in. "You're awake."

It gives me a few seconds to remember everything and I rub my eyes.

"How long was I out?" I ask, laying back down so my headache can subside.

"For three hours" He replies.

"Oh..." memories from earlier return. I want to go back but I know Marshall won't let me.

"Why'd you call out for Finn?" He asks.

"When I had nightmares, he would comfort me" I say simply. "So it became a habit to call for him."

He nods and takes a bite out of the apple I did not know he was holding.

I need to go back there but how?

"I'm going to call Cake and Fiona since they told me to call them when you woke up" He says. Marshall takes his phone out and floats to the ceiling.

BMO runs in the room, flailing his arms around.

"You're awake!" He yells. BMO struggles to get on the bed and runs on my lap. I hug him and tell him how I missed him.

"Yeah she's awake...Bring whatever you'd like" Marshall says. "Do you really have to bring him? Fine whatever."

He hangs up and turns to me.

"They're coming with food and an annoying bubble gum" He says floating down to my level. I chuckle.

"Sounds almost like a party" I say.

"Ah! Speaking of which! Did I mention when the party is going to be?" He asks. I open my mouth but I guess it was rhetorical. "I haven't but now I have set a date...It will be-"

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