Chapter 11

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-Marshall's POV-

For some reason, I always loved coming to the house where I took Y/n for a first date. Does she consider it a date? I'm sure she does. Anyway, the house is just so comfortable like I've been here before. It sends out almost a loving vibe but when I come alone, I can't help but feel I'm waiting for someone... to come home.

"Whoever lived here is very lucky" Y/n comments. "Good taste."

I nod.

"Um I never actually went inside" I say, "The doors are locked and the curtains cover the windows."

"I thought you would've broken in or something" Y/n chuckles. It's not like I didn't think of that before, I've tried to go through with it but I can never bring myself to break any part of this house... but why? I join in on her. How would I sound saying that? Like a weirdo probably.

"So why did you want to come?" I ask, peering over at the (h/c) haired girl.

"I just... really like this place" She huffs as if she couldn't come up with a better answer. "I want to try to open it."

"Be my guest" I chuckle.

-Y/n's POV-

I walk to the front door and look at the iced knob.

"There's uh... Ice" I mutter. Why?

"Yeah, it never melts off" Marshall adds. Weird. I reach for the door and wrap my fingers around the ice cold knob.

Immediately, the ice crawls on my skin. I try to retract my hand but the ice is too strong. My breath hitches and I look at Marshall Lee who's already panicked. Ice covers the whole house and ice spikes erupt from the ground around the perimeter.

"Y/n!" Marshall calls out. I feel a spike against my back and start to panic even more

"Marshall...!" I gulp. Snowmen form and start to yell out incoherent words. Marshall Lee tries to punch through the ice but no use. It's too strong.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna get you!" Marshall turns into a huge bat and he lets out a growl as he punches through. Still no use. I can only see him through the small spaces between the spikes. The ice is too thick to see through. The cold makes me tremble along with my fear of not knowing what is going on.

"What's going on here?!" We hear someone yell. I can't see who it is but it's a woman.

"Ice Queen! She's trapped!" Marshall has turned back. "Help!"

It stays quiet, the only sound I can hear is Marshall's harsh breathing.

"Impossible! Only a human can set off the alarm! Unless..." I hear someone's fingers snap and the spikes go back into the ground and the ice let's go of my hand. I rub my hands together and turn to see a female version of the Ice King. Marshall Lee rushes over and checks my red hand.

"No frostbite" Marshall sighs.

"Ice Queen! Why is there an alarm?" Marshall asks. Ice Queen keeps her gaze at me, a shocked expression. It's so familiar. I just blink and wait for her answer.

"I was... asked to protect the house from anything" She replies.

"Yeah, obvious but why did it react to Y/n?" Marshall asks.

"Ah it seems you're back" She sighs, completely ignoring the vampire.

"...Back?" I ask. She twirls her finger at the house.

"Have a look," Me and Marshall start for the house but she stops him. "Only her."

Marshall Lee shoots a warning look at her and a worried look at me. Ice Queen shakes her head and furrows her eyebrows.

"No I'm going wi-" Ice Queen freezes Marshall in an ice block from shoulder to toe. "Hey!"

"Go on, Y/n" Ice Queen says. Marshall struggles and I hesitate to go. The said woman gestures me to go and I start for the house again. What is this? Back? I've been here before? Well no wonder I've had déjà vu several times.

I open the door and push it open. The hinges let out an eery but satisfying squeak. Dust floats around the room as I step in. I cover my mouth and look around the first room.

Navy blue walls. Instead of rectangle doorways, it was arches. After all, it was a first floor house. My hand goes to the side of the door and I close it. The first room led straight to the living room. It had a (F/c) couch completely covered in dust. I walk to the front of the couch, the floor creaking a bit after each step but I didn't mind.

I stare at it and a small headache starts to form. Why? My hand reaches out and I lightly touch the couch, question after question another kept popping up. Memories...Blurry memories. I step away and keep going.


The kitchen. Like the couch, everything else is covered in dust. Another headache forms as I look around. So familiar.

I feel suffocated like I'm supposed to remember something. I quickly move on to the small hallway which consists of three doors. Two on the side and one at the dead end of the hallway. I decide to open the one at the end of the hallway.

Ah the bathroom. Small but pretty. I close the door and look at the two doors. I decide to open the left door. Papers scattered around the room with a desk at the end of the room next to the window.

"What is this..." I mutter. I step in and kneel down to pick up several papers. I shake off the dust and read the first lines only.

Day 12

Gumball is halfway done with the machine...I can't wait!...

I look at another.

Day 24

Marshall isn't glad about my role in Gumball's experiment. We had another fight but I'm not backing down...

The third paper.

Day 1

Gumball told me about his theory of parallel universes and after talking about his experiment I'll be recording our progress...

And the fourth.

Day 33

A few touch ups and the machine will be ready. Marshall hasn't talked to me since our last fight...

I drop the papers as a splitting headache forms. I stand up and clutch my head. The room spins and I bump into the door. My breaths are cut short and I hold onto the door knob.

I walk out and close the door behind me. I feel suffocated. I can't breathe in here. Why can't I remember? I stumble out and look at Marshall Lee and Ice Queen talking.

"Marshall..." I gulp and fall to my knees. They both turn.

"Y/n!" Before my face hits the hard dirt, Marshall Lee scoops me up and his eyes scan my face. "Geez, we're not coming back here!"

I blink and groan at the pain. Everything starts to spin into darkness.


Did I take too long? Very sorry! But at least I updated woo!

I hope everyone spent their holidays good! Winter break is ending for me ah I cry😢

Everyone have a good week!!



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