Chapter 8

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-Y/n's POV-

"It is almost finished" Gumball says poking and twirling things inside his device. I went to the kingdom again to see his progress while Marshall is with Cake for a mission, I don't know what.

"Great" I say smiling. My time here has been awesome.

"By the way..." Gumball starts. "I've been wondering, are you sure you haven't been here before?"

"What do you mean?" I ask slowly, not understanding fully.

"Like here in this world" Gumball says.

"No... why?" I ask.

"Well I've been researching the strange events and what's left of the portal" Gumball says. "And I found out that it all stopped because of you."

"Me...?" I blink at that. The strange events stopped because of me?

"Yes and I've recorded the strange events when it started for early research and I've come to find that it's been happening for years" He says. "When did you arrive at the other world?"

I blink at that. When did I arrive? I start to think. Have I been over there my whole life? Was I ever over here?

"I... don't know" My eyebrows knit in confusion as I try to recall how long I've been there. Prince Gumball looks at me and nods.

"Don't worry about it" He says softly. "It's just a few questions I've been wondering."

I chuckle and nod but it still lurks in my mind.

"So how are you liking it here?" He asks.

"It's like a home" I say shrugging. "A little weird but it's still nice."

Prince Gumball nods before saying, "Would you like to take a walk in my garden?"

"Yeah sure sounds fun" I reply. We both walk down to his garden and he smiles. I look around at his garden. It's really beautiful. We talk for a bit and I ask him about any recent experiments he's been doing. At first it's a bit awkward but it slowly goes away and we're joking around. We go to the center of the garden and settle on the chairs.

"Are you hungry?" Prince Gumball asks. "Or thirsty?"

Shyly I answer yes. He asks one of his candy people to get some food and drinks. I chip off some of the hard candy table and eat some of it. So good! I remember yesterday and how Marshall grabbed me to sleep.

That was very awesome if I may say. One of his servants brings us sandwiches and watermelon juice. Whoa. I thank them and they giggle running back. Me and Gumball eat them and talk about anything recent.

"How are things with Marshall lee?" Gumball asks.

"Good, he's cool" I shrug suppressing the blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"Oh I thought you two were...together" Gumball says taking another bite of his sandwich. I almost choke on the juice.

"What? No! No!" I shake my head furiously. Prince Gumball laughs which reminds me of Bubblegum.

"I see how it is" Gumball says recovering from his laughter with a few chuckles.

"What?" I take a bite of my sandwich and try to calm my face down which is probably red right now.

"Someone has a crush on the vampire king~" He teases, tilting his head to one side. I take another bite and look away. If anything I thought it would be him having a crush on Marshall as well considering Bubblegum's and Marceline's 'friendship' back home.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask. If it does then wouldn't Marshall know?! Gumball laughs and nods. I drink some more juice and soon enough we both finish everything.

"You think he noticed?" I ask laying my head on the cool hard candy table.

"Marshall is observant but with things like this, he's as dumb as can be" Gumball says shaking his head. I chuckle and Gumball looks up.

"Ah speak of the vampire" He says. I look up to see Marshall lee flying over with his umbrella. I see him looking around.

"Marshall!" I call out. I hear the prince chuckle and I flick his forehead.

"Go on and call your boyfriend" He smirks slyly. I pout at him but I can't stop the blush.

"Gumball!" I whine. Marshall comes down next to me and he covers me from the sun light.

"Hey gummy, what're you and Y/n doing?" He asks using my head as a shoulder rest.

"We're just having lunch together" He says his eyes flickering to me and back to him.

"Lunch? Y/n if you were hungry why didn't you tell me?" Marshall lee asks peering down at me. I look up a him but at the corner of my eye I see Gumball's smirk.

"Uh well you were going to Cake's so I decided to go to lunch with Gumball" I answer nervously. Marshall lee blinks and looks at Prince Gumball who's still smiling.

"Oh..." He looks away and mumbles something but he quickly clears his throat. "Well let's get going."

"Uh bye Gumball!" I say and shake his hand politely. Prince Gumball nods before giving me a wink. I hear the vampire clear his throat and I turn to see Marshall lee looking at Gumball rudely. Marshall grabs me and smirks at Gumball.

"See ya gummy" Then he flies up taking me with him. I cling to him and watch the ground get farther.


We come in the house to see BMO on the couch and playing music.

"Hey BMO!" I greet and pick him up. I swing him around and he laughs. I put him down and he runs around the room then runs out. I turn to Marshall lee who's plucking his guitar awkwardly.

"Do you want to go somewhere tonight?" He asks, his back facing me. My heart beats faster and I bite my lip.

"Yeah sure" I say. Where?"

"You'll see" Marshall says turning to me with a smile. "We'll go at 9:00."

"Ah a date then?" I chuckle. Suddenly I feel Marshall's presence right behind me.

"And I'd prefer you wear that dress~" He whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine.


Reader you're going on a date! Yay! So I really want to interact with you guys and answer any questions you have with any stories, future stories and maybe about yoA chapter please comment what you guys want.


updated 09.26.2023

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