Chapter 20

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-Y/n's POV-

Me and Marce talked for a while and she persuaded me to talk to Finn. It's evening now and I knocked and it immediately opens to the wonderful talking dog.

"Y/n!" He hugs me and stretch to wrap me up like a burrito. "Come in! Right on time! We missed you!"

Jake carries me in and up the tree house.

"I missed you guys too," I chuckle. "Finn in his room?"

"Yeah he's all tuckered out but let's wake him up" Jake says, climbing up the tree house and into the room. There, Finn is on his bed in his onesie.

"Um can you let us talk alone for a bit?" I whisper to Jake. Jake puts me down and gives me a thumbs up.

"I'll be out the room but I'll be listening" Jake evilly laughs before stretching himself out of the room. I go up to the sleeping boy and sit on the edge of the bed. I chuckle lightly at the small drool coming out of the corner of his mouth. I place my hand on his shoulder before lightly shaking him. Finn groans so I shake him some more to wake him up.

"Jake... stop," Finn groans. "I already said I don't want to upgrade BMO right now."

"How were you planning to upgrade him?" I laugh. Finn's eyes squint open before he jumps up screaming.

"Y/n?! I thought you were staying with PB" Finn says.

"Yeah well I thought we needed to talk and settle the situation" I say. Finn properly sits up and looks at the ground.

"I'm sorry I... you know" He says.

"Hey it's fine," I say. "I know you... um... "

My head is feeling weird and light. My vision is shaking and getting out of focus.

"Y/n?" I look up at Finn and the colors are even distorting. "Calm down."

I'm breathing hard.

"It's so hot," I gasp. "What's happening to me, Finn?"

I feel his hands on my arms and they're so cold. I keep blinking and I start to feel so tired.

"Y/n?! Y/n can you hear me?! Jake! She's in trouble!" Finn screams. His voice is getting so far away from me.

"Marshall?" I fall into the boy's arms before knocking out.

- Present time -

My eyes open but there's nothing. Where am I? What just happened?

I prop myself up on my elbows and get on my feet. I rub both my eyes and open them to suddenly be in a room. Okay. I look around and see a tall glass of a reddish liquid color on the nightstand. The small note beside the glass caught my attention second.


I swing my feet over the bed to touch the floor and my hand grabs the glass. It's cold. This can be poison though.

Another note drops out of nowhere on my head.


Um. Another one.


They keep falling on me and I look up to see it just manifesting in the air.

"Jeez okay!" I sigh. I brace myself and throw my head back, drinking the liquid fully. I drop the empty glass onto my bed. It tastes like watermelon juice. "What now?"

The taste stays in my mouth. It changes to... strawberry? Wait now it's cherry. Why is it changing?

"Now it's apple" I mutter. My tongue swirls in my mouth to get more of the taste. Raspberry. Cranberry. What do these all have in common?

They're all... red.

"Good little girl~"

"Always picking a fight with me, you know that I'm bad!"

That's marshall's voice. Marshall.

His voice starts to get farther and farther away until I stand up but I'm in a candy building surrounded by candy people.

"Y/n?! She's awake PB!" That voice belongs to... Finn. That name almost slipped my mind.

"I need to get to Marshall" I say. I try to walk away but he stops me.

"No! You got really bad and you're still burning up" His hand goes to my forehead but I shake him off.

"Stop, where's Prince Gumball?" I ask. His face turns to confusion.

"Gumball? Don't you mean Bubblegum?"

I blink and register what mistake I did.

"Yeah, her."

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