Chapter 15

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Y/n's POV-

The portal illuminates the room with pastel colors until the center shows the clearing of the grass. I can see the treehouse but it looks so far.

"I was able to get the portal to a ground area," Gumball says. "The view kept showing it from above."

That's probably why I fell from the sky at first.

"Thank you so much, Prince Gumball," I say and give him a big hug. "You have made my visit wonderful and I hope you grow a pair to ask out Fiona."

Gumball becomes flustered and gives me a hug.

"I-I'll miss you too" He says obviously avoiding the Fiona thing. I pick up BMO and face the portal.

"Once you step a foot in" Gumball starts. "You can't stay between the portal for too long, it can uh snap something."

I nod and take a deep breath. In and out.

"Do not shake Y/n!" BMO says. "We will be home soon."

I didn't even realize I was shaking. I'm sorry Marshall Lee.

I take a step in and take my whole body to the other side. The smell of fresh air hits me but I turn around quickly. The portal is still there.

"Have a goo-" Gumball gets cut off by a large crash.

"Where is she?!" I hear someone yell. It's Marshall. "Gumball?! Y/n?!"

"Marshall!" I call out but the portal starts becoming smaller. I put BMO down and go to touch the portal. The touch of it burns my palms and I pull away.

I vaguely see Marshall as he stomps to the portal.

"A note?! Really?!" Marshall yells. "A stupid note?! Why couldn't you do it in person?! On any other day but today?!"

His angry expression is enough for the tears to run down my cheeks. The familiar lump in my throat holds me back from saying proper words.

What about today? He stares at me, his dark eyes glistening in the pastel colors. I notice the note crumbled in his left hand and I try to speak.

"Forget it. Forget everything."

"Marshall I-I'm-!" Before I can say anything else the portal disappears into dust. I stare into the clear opening as my breathing quickens. My vision is blurry from the tears and I almost feel lost.

BMO hugs my leg and doesn't say anything. Why did I leave a note? Why today?

I stare at the dust and kneel down to hold the pile in my blistered hands. What can I do now?


After an hour of calming myself down and drying my nose and tears up, I start for the treehouse.

"Don't talk about what happened earlier" I say to BMO. "Nothing went on alright?"

BMO nods and lays on my chest the walk there. The walk is silent but my heart becomes warm as the familiar treehouse comes closer. I should call them out.

"Finn! Jake!" I yell. "Are you just going to let me walk the rest?!"

Suddenly, Jake breaks through the window and stretches to my location with Finn on his back yelling in excitement. Seeing the two makes me smile so much.

"Y/N!" They yell. BMO laughs and says their name over and over in eagerness. He holds his arms out as Jake comes and picks me and BMO up. "We missed you so much!"

"I missed you guys too!" I yell, hugging them both.

"This calls for a partay~!" Jake calls. "I'll call them!"

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