Chapter 18

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-Y/n's POV-

"It's really nice out" I say, looking at the stars. I look back to Finn but he keeps his gaze on me. "Finn..?"

Why is he staring at me like that? His cheeks are red. He pulls me into an embrace and we fall into the water. I just keep my eyes open and Finn faces me. The bubbles of oxygen block my view but I know what's coming. His hands are on both sides of my face.

What's happening? Why is this happening so fast? Why can't I move?

His face comes closer and closer.

I feel his lips on me for a second and next thing I know, I'm reaching the surface of the water and swimming towards land, coughing.

"Y/N! Wait!" I hear Finn's voice calling me but once I get on land, I break into a run. My vision is blurry but I don't know if it's from my wet hair or my tears. I see the party still going on and everybody dancing.

I don't want to go home but I don't know where to go.

"What are you doing?" I bump into someone and fall on the ground. It's Marceline. "Whoa why are you wet?"

My breath gets unsteady and the breeze makes me shiver. I just stare at her with wide eyes. .

"I-I" I look around and back to see Finn coming. "I wanna go! Let's go to your place!"

"What? Wh-"

"NOW!" I yell. I know I shouldn't yell but I didn't want to be here. Marceline jumps a little but she grabs me and launches us into the air. The wind makes me shiver but I ignore it.

"Marceline! Y/n!" Finn yells. She turns around but doesn't stop. I just hang on to her and try to stop thinking about what happened earlier.


Marceline flies in through the cave and the familiar place makes my mood go even more down. She lands on her porch step and puts me down.

"Y/n what's going on? Why were you running from Finn?" She asks.

"He... " I look at her and I see him. Marshall. It was as if I was telling him. "He kissed me."

Marceline starts laughing which startles me. Marshall lee's reaction would have been way different. We go inside her house and it starts to feel a little stuffy.

"That's all?" She asks. "That boy is always trying to get at someone."

She opens her door and we go in.

"It's more than that!" I say. "Didn't they tell you where I've been?"

"Um no" Marceline floats above her couch and looks at me. "Tell me about it."

"I went to another dimension and it was the opposite of this world" I say. "Like the opposite of gender."

"... Okay" Marceline chuckles. I grab a stool from the kitchen and sit on it.

"And... I think I belong there" I say, staring at the floor. "I have someone special over there and I need to go back."

Marceline stays quiet for a while.

"So you ran from Finn because he kissed you but you don't feel like that?" She asks. I nod. "So who's the person? Is it like a female Finn?"

I stay quiet and I feel my cheeks heat up. I can't tell her. It'll freak her out!

"Who is it?" She asks again.

"I can't really say" I reply and just hope she leaves it like that.

"No come on tell me!" Marceline says. "We tell each other a lot of stuff!"

Really Marceline-"

"Please? I missed you a lot and I want to catch up" She says. "Was it PB? One of the princesses?"

I look away. This house feels a little too much.

"It's you" I say. "His name is Marshall Lee."

Silence invades the room. I don't want to see her face.

"I don't think I belong in this world," I continue. Maybe if I explain. "When I went over there, it felt like everything fit and Marshall made me realize that."

I finally look at her to see her shocked and speechless.

"I think I need to go back," I continue. "My memories from my dimension are erasing fast."

I have forgotten when Jake told me and it honestly scared me. I didn't want to forget Marshall Lee or any of them.

"So... where are you?" She asks.


"If you're from the other... place then where is the version of yourself that belongs here?" I hadn't thought about that. Where am I?

"I... I don't know" I stammer. How do I begin to try and find an answer. Marceline's face twists in confusion, probably trying to process all of this. That makes two of us. A shiver runs up my spine as the wet clothes sticks to my body.

"Let me get you something" She says.


She gives me clothes that she does not want anymore and we sit in her kitchen. Marceline asks me more questions about the other world and I give her all the answers. I'm more open with her although she is careful with asking questions that so not involve Marshall Lee.

"So are you going to ask PB to send you back?" She asks.

"I mean if Gumball can do it, I'm sure she can too" I say. Marceline brings up Finn and how I plan giving them all a good farewell.

"I haven't really thought that far," I say. We sit there in silence before I sigh. "But I know I can't stay here."

This world does not feel like home anymore.


Sorry for the HUGE inactivity! I've actually been trying in school and studying for the SAT ! I've been more focused on my yandere story too which you guys should uh check out 😔👉👈 it's a black butler story too so a little nostalgia !

Anyway I hope you guys spend the holidays well and have a good start for 2019!

Btw I'm sorry the chapter is short ;(

updated 09.26.2023

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