Chapter 21

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-Marshall's POV-

I woke up to find Simona in the room.

"What are you doing? Is Y/n back yet?" I ask. A headache slowly grows and I touch my head. "Ugh my head's killing me!"

"She'll be back soon but tell me, why did she want this poor excuse for a house? Why not a grand palace?" She sighs, barely touching anything.

"Because that's just Y/n," I say. "and I told her that if it's just us, we shouldn't have wasted space."

"Told her?"

Did I just remember that? Yeah... I did.

"Yeah when she said she liked Trunks' house and his little garden, she kept looking for a space but that damn girl kept wondering far," I chuckle. "But then she found a spot she loved and her face when she showed me... that told me enough that this was the spot."

Oh my glob.

"Simona, I've got to go... I need to get to Gumball!"

-Y/n's POV-

"I need to go back" I say. The boy helps me walk down the hallway.

"But you belong here, Y/n" He says.

"I don't even... know you" I say. We stop and he looks right at me, ready to cry.

"What? I'm Finn! It's me!" He yells. I register his face. Oh.

"Did I just forget again?" I ask. Finn nods and I tear up. "Wait I don't want to forget you... I don't want to forget anyone!"

Finn pulls me into a hug and I hug back.

"But I know I don't belong here," I say, pulling back. "I am from the other world."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm remembering bits and pieces but I do know that this isn't where I'm supposed to be," I say. My sense of familiarity with his face starts to go again. "I just want to be with Marshall."

The boy's face saddens. Did I say something wrong? Is he supposed to mean something to me?

"Where is Gumball? He was the one who made the portal machine and got me here!" I say. The boy gives me a confused face.

"Well here it's PB and she'll probably be in her lab," he says. "I'll help you get there."

"Wow, you're really nice!" I chuckle. "Thanks for helping out a stranger in need, what's your name?"

"Um... it's Finn," He says quietly. "Let's just get going."

I slowly look away and at the at the hallway. Ugh why does my body hurt? I need to get to Marshall and apologize for just leaving.

We get to a room and the boy knocks on the door.

"PB!" The door swings open but it isn't Gumball. it looks like a girl version of him.

"Where's the portal?" I ask. "Gumball has one so you must have one."

"Is she forgetting?" The girl turns to the boy. What? The boy nods and she sighs. "Bring her in."

"Why is she forgetting?"

"Because her being doesn't belong in this universe" the girl says, flipping through a book.

"But she's been here for so long so why is it happening now?!" The boy yells. He sits me down on a stool and goes to the girl.

"Something triggered it but I can't figure out what," She says. "Magic maybe, she went to the other universe with no knowledge of the world she belongs in."

"Hey boy, I need to go" I say. The boy starts to storm towards me and I jump. He grabs my shoulders and pulls me close to him.

"I'm Finn! I am Finn! You lived with us, remember Jake?!" He yells, His voice starts to shiver. "Don't forget us, don't forget me! Don't forget your friends because we're never going to forget you!"

I stare at him while he cries. I blink several times.

"Finn..." I mutter. "PB? What's happening?"

"You're losing your memory gradually," she says. "And we're not sure how to stop it but you do need to go back to your world."

Finn lets go of my shoulders and faces away from me, wiping his tears. My chest tightens.

"Maybe the Ice Queen will help me," I say. "She helped me when I left, I just have to go see her."

"Yes but... " PB frowns and looks at the ground. "Once you leave, you can't ever come back."

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