Chapter 16

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-Finn's POV-

My heart hasn't stopped beating so fast. Oh glob what do I do? It feels like it's gonna explode! Seeing Y/n and knowing she is back makes me so happy!

Our friends started showing up and are practically all over Y/n. She was very missed. PB was hogging her from everybody and was so interested.

"How alike were they? What was the machine made out of? Can we go there?" Y/n really looks tired.

"Yo Jake" I walk towards Jake where he was talking to Lady. "I think we should end the party or continue it later."

"Why?" Jake asks. I tell him how tired Y/n must be.

"We should've done it after she slept and everything" I say. "She seemed really... sad."

"You think it's about that vampire dude?"

"Hopefully not... " I know it is. "Let's just tell everyone to come back later."

"Alright guys time to go home!" Jake yells. "The party will come back later!"

The candy people and our friends take turns to say goodbye to Y/n.

"Oh Y/n come to the castle when you can!" Bubblegum says. "I'd love to know more! You too Finn!"

Y/n waves goodbye and thanks us.

"I'm really tired but after my nap I know I'll be more excited about the party" she says. Y/n)m pats the both of us on the head and walks in the house.

"I guess we'll go for a swim later" I sigh. I look at Jake to see him giving me a cheesy smile.

"Lover boy" He laughs and I groan. My cheeks heat up.

"I-I'm gonna go see if Y/n is okay" I say and quickly run in the house and up the ladder but I stop when I hear Y/n talking to BMO.

"Do you think I'll see him again?" She asks.

"BMO is sorry"

"We still have the pictures right?" It sounds like her voice is cracking up. "Of Marshall?"

"Of course!" I hear BMO shuffle through stuff. My chest feels bad when she brings him up. I don't think I should check up on her.

"It's good to be home now" I hear her say. "I missed Finn and Jake so much."

"You do not miss our friends on the other side?" I shouldn't be eavesdropping.

"I miss them a lot but... " A pause. "I belong here."

The two stay silent and I wipe the small tears before heading up.

"H-Hey Y/n I just wanted to know if you were alright" I say. Y/n quickly puts the pictures away and gives me a smile. She changed into her onesie.

"Yeah I'm just really tired" She says. I walk over to her as she lays down on her bed.

"Y-You know if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here to listen" I say. Y/n nods her head and thanks me. It's pretty bright in the room so I pull the shades down to make it dark. "I'll see you when you wake up."

I start for the exit but her voice stops me.

"Finn wait" I turn quickly. She looks like a scared puppy. "Can you... can you stay until I fall asleep?"

"Yeah sure" I sit at the foot of her bed and look at the floor. I'll go later to PB for some sleeping pills since Y/n won't be able to sleep later and her sleeping schedule can't get ruined.

I look over to see her sleeping already. She must be really tired. Should I leave? I should.

I get up and head for the ladder. We'll go for that swim later.

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