Chapter 4

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-Y/n's POV-

"I don't think those lyrics apply to me Marshall" I laugh, shaking my head.

"Oh come on just sing it" Marshall lee says nudging me. "I want to hear you sing, see if you're better than me."

I roll my eyes playfully and smile.

"Okay okay" I huff. He plays the familiar tune and I tap my foot to the sound.

"Good little girl...." He starts off. "Always picking a fight with me. You know that I'm bad."

I sing the tune quietly as it didn't sound like last night without that tune.

"But you're spending the night with me, you want... from my world?" He hovers above me. "You're a good little girl."

I clear my throat as he glances at me.

"Bad little boy," I start. "That's what you're acting like. I don't really buy, that you're that kind of guy."

Marshall lee floats around the room but he keeps his gaze on me.

"And...if you are...Why do you want to hang out with me?" I end it and silence comes over. Marshall lee doesn't say anything and only stares at me. I scratch my head and touch my scalp. Oh glob it's dirty.

"Hey uh can I shower?" I ask.

"Huh? Uh sure" He replies. He floats away and I follow in suit. He grabs a towel and throws it at me.

"Uh I don't really have clothes for girls" He says slowly.

"Anything is fine!" I assure him. He nods and I walk to the bathroom and close the door with lock. It's like being in Marcy's house. I take a shower and spend a few minutes-or hours I don't know-just to enjoy the fresh and warm water.  I turn the water off and wrap myself in the towel Marshall gave me.

I sing a song quietly to keep me entertained. I peek open the door and see clothes messily made on the floor. I snatch them and dry myself and put on the clothes which was a black t-shirt which was not my size at all and joggers which surprisingly weren't that big on me. I sigh and gather up my dirty clothes and towel. Where should I put this? Maybe I should put it in my bag and wash it later.

I sing a little louder and stuff my clothes in my bag. My hands rake through my wet hair. I'm going to stop singing before someone hears me. I turn to see Marshall lee standing there on his feet surprisingly. Glob did he hear me sing? Well he already heard me but why do I still feel embarrassed? My cheeks heat up a bit and I clear my throat, looking away.

~Marshall lee's P.O.V~

I stare at Y/n in my clothes. Oh glob she looks hot in my clothes. Her voice is amazing too. Her cheeks turn a bit red. I can feel her heart beating fast. I feel like maybe my heart is going to start beating again.

"Uh sorry I just wanted to see if you wanted me to wash your clothes" I blurt out. Wait what?! Marshall lee since when did you start washing other people's clothes?!

"Yeah... sure" She says slowly. Y/n hands me her clothes and I take them and the towel as well. I look at them and go to my washer and dryer. Wow Marshall look at you, doing someone else's laundry. I toss them in and turn on the washer. I float to my kitchen and see BMO on top of my refrigerator. He giggles and hides behind the cereal. I tilt my head and grab him.

"Ah! You found BMO!" He squeals. I chuckle a bit.

"Yup I found you" I say. "Say...what's Y/n like?"

"(Y/n)? She's really cool! And always out doing missions with Finn and Jake!" He exclaims but quickly covers his screen mouth.

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