Chapter 19

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-Finn's POV-

"Did I do a bad thing?" I ask. "She just ran so fast and went with Marceline."

"Man, she just came back from that other place and had a thing with that vampire," Jake says. "Bad timing, dude."

"I just couldn't wait... I missed her a lot" I sigh. I groan loudly and whine. Did I just ruin my friendship with her?


It's the next day and she didn't come back but PB did send peppermint butler to give me a note.

hey Finn and Jake i'll be staying with pb for a while so she can help get adjusted to this world again but I'll be home soon

- Y/N

I did scare her off. There's knocking on our door.

-Marshal Lee's POV-

I arrived at the house but I've been hesitant to enter it. Y/n said she had a headache and practically fainted.

"I'm just going in" I scoff to myself. I quickly enter the house and the smell of home hits me and a feeling of warmth hugs me. It was too much that I even stepped back out to the doorway.

I push myself to go inside and shut the door. I walk the main hallway and pass a kitchen and living room to a smaller hallway. I go inside a room and see papers scattered around and photographs as well.

My head feels so weird and it's so warm in here. my chest is practically empty but it's so heavy right now. I pick up the items off the floor, my eyes soaking in the information. I don't know what to think.

My feet step out the room with the items still at hand. I go into another room with a bed and desk and two drawers. The smell is so sweet and familiar.

Like home.

My hands start to tingle as I sit on the bed with the light green covers. The dust on the white pillows go up as my head plops down on it. I close my eyes. Ah it's like I'm melting into the bed, the floor, into the cracks and walls, down to the ground beneath the house. I can feel the house, the wall, the memories, and the voices.

It's so relaxing and loving.

Wait it's getting a bit hard to breathe. The air is getting so much more dense. My throat feels like it's closing up or even choked. My breath hitches as I feel the sudden pressure on my entire body. I feel my eyes change to the red pupils so I open them but it's pitch dark. My hands go up to my throat to relieve any pressure but there's nothing physically touching me.

My head is bashed with pain from the back. I gasp and groan loudly, my hands are now holding my head. It's like it's opening. I don't want to feel this!

No, Y/n put this so I won't remember but I have to. I have to get her back. This is worse than being exposed in the sunlight. I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out. My body thrashes around to escape this pain for even a second.

Then it starts to get lighter. I notice something made of light coming to me. My feet find ground and I watch the light come to me. I realize there's no pressure on my throat and I'm actually panting. My eyes stay glued to the light and I even walk towards it.

A second later, it's right in front of me. I hear a low hum and my eyes widen as a hand extends out to me. What's going on? What is that?

The hand cups my cheek and it's so warm and soft. The humming is so thin and soft, like a lullaby. The hand moves away from me before coming back and slapping me.

Everything turns black.

It feels like hours until I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling with glow in the dark star stickers for a few minutes. How much time has passed?

Everything is a bit blurry in my head.

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