Chapter 22

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"I can't?"

"This portal can only handle so much since it's made and the natural portals are hard to find," She says. "I am also worried about your being, it can have serious affects if you keep jumping to one world and back."


Finn turns back to me with puffy eyes.

"I didn't mean to yell at you but... this isn't fair" He says.

I can't ever hang out Finn again. I can't ride on Jake's back anymore or watch PB do science experiments. I can't help the candy people from monsters with Finn.

I can never go on adventures with Finn and Jake again.

Tears fall on my lap and my body jolts to hold in the sobs and headache forms. No this isn't fair but nothing can be done.

"So when I'm gone, is the other me going to show up?" I ask.

"That is what I've been working on," PB says. PB rolls out a map on the floor. "We have been searching but the only place we haven't searched is... the old hideout for the Lich."

"So I'm there?" I stare at the mark for the cave.

"I'm 80% sure" She says. How did I get there? Am I okay? I want to see it but I don't think I have much time before I lose my memory again.

"Well I think it's time for me to go," I look up at Finn. "Call for Jake and BMO."

Finn sniffs before nodding and walking out. I go up to PB and hug her, the smell of sweetness fills my lungs.

"I'm going to miss you so much" I whisper. She hugs me tight and sniffs.

"You are the most extraordinary person I've ever met, I'm going to miss you too, Y/n" She says. We let go of each other and PB turns to the machine to start it. Jake runs in crying and wraps himself around me.

"Y/n! You can't go!" He sobs. "Y/n!!"

"I'm sorry, Jake," I say. "I'm going to miss you."

He falls to the floor and rolls around crying. BMO swings his arms around and cries as well. All this crying makes the tears come out again.

Finn looks at the ground and I go up to him.

"Finn... " I hug him and start to cry. He hugs back. I feel the arms of PB and Jake. Our last hug.

"It's time" PB says. The machine rattles as the power lights up the room. We all slowly let go, our cheeks stained with tears. My headache gets more intense and I step to the machine until I'm right in front of it.

I turn back to all of them and give them a smile.

"Wait!" Finn runs up to me. "I'm sorry but I have to."

"What?" He grabs my face and kisses me. He pushes me towards the machine and I watch him disappear. I fall onto the ground and turn back to see the portal disappear. I touch my lips in shock.

No time! I need to get to Ice Queen fast before I forget!


I arrive to where the snow begins, sweating and catching my breath.

What am I here for?

"Stop! I can't forget them! Finn! Jake! PB! BMO!" I yell to myself. "Finn, Jake! PB! BMO! Ice Queen! Where are you?!"

It's like I'm fighting my own mind!

"Ice Queen!" I call out.

"You don't look very lady-like yelling like a beast" I turn around to see Ice Queen and I run up to her.

"Help me! I can't forget Finn and Jake!" I grab her arms. "I know I said to erase my memory here but I can't lose them!"

She stares at me for a while and sighs.

"I'm not your servant," She says. "you already owe me from before but... I'll let this slide."

"Thank you! Thank you!" Tears come out and I hug the woman.

"Okay! Stop hugging me now!" I do as she says and she forms an ice block with something shining in the middle. Ice Queen grabs the ice block and holds it against my forehead.

"Ah!" I flinch at the coldness and try to withstand it. My face scrunches up as it starts to really sting against my skin. The water trickles down my face and something warm starts to touch my forehead.

"Alright take a deep breath because this might hurt a little" Ice Queen says. I do as she says and I hear her do the same before she puts all her might into pushing whatever it is into my head. I yell in pain.

"Ow! What the glob!" It feels like my head is splitting open! It lasts for a few seconds until it's gone. It's completely gone. I blink a few times and look up at Ice Queen who has a neutral expression. I'm still remembering Finn and Jake and I... remember everything.

"He's at the Candy Kingdom with Gumball."

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