Chapter 7

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-Y/n's POV-

Tears brim my eyes as Finn's face appears on the screen. I grab BMO and bring hi. closer to my face.

"Y/n?!" He smiles and I smile back. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine!" I assure him, wiping the tears away. "Did BMO explain everything?"

"Yeah he even sent me pictures" Finn says. "So you're in Marshal's house?"

"Yeah he's out doing something for Cake and Fiona" I reply. "So how's Marceline and Bubblegum?"

"They're worried sick about you" He replies. "PB is in her lab trying to find a way to get you back, we haven't seen her since before the mission."

"Well tell her it's okay" I say. "Prince Gumball is building a device now to get me back home."

"Prince Gumball? Does he act just like princess?" Finn asks snickering.

"Right down to the hand writing" I join in and snicker as well but it soon does down. "Where's Jake?"

"He's with Lady right now" Finn answers. I nod and we talk for a bit and catch up along with the occasional jokes to lighten up our current situation.

"We miss you Y/n" Finn says looking away. "A lot."

"I miss you guys too" I say. "I'll be there soon though okay? So don't miss me too much."

"I can't help it" He mumbles something and his cheeks turn red.

"Sorry what?" I ask. Did I hear that right?

"Nothing!" He laughs nervously and I look at him with a curious smile but I shrug it off.

"Well when I get back we can go to that lake and take a swim" I exclaim. Finn agrees and we continue talking. Wow I'm getting so homesick.

"Y/n? I'm home" I hear Marshall lee call out.

"Hey Finn I gotta go" I say.

"Okay I'll talk to you later" Finn says. "I lo-"

BMO shuts off the video chat and his screen shows a smiley face. I turn around to see Marshall lee.

"Who was that?" He asks. "On BMO's screen?"

"Finn" I say simply, hoping no more questions will be asked but there is.

"Finn? You can... contact him?" He asks.

"Yeah BMO has video chat" I say smiling. "It was nice, but my friends are worried."

"You really want to go back huh?" His back is facing me.

"Well it's my home" I say shrugging. "Can't stay here forever when they're worrying about me."

Marshall lee doesn't say anything but after a long pause he asks, "So how are you getting back?"

"I uh don't know yet" I shrug. Big lie. He nods and just lays on his couch with his head thrown back. BMO goes to run in another room with one of Marshal's socks. My stomach growls loudly and my face heats up.

"Hm I thought you would be hungry" Marshall lee sighs. "I made- I mean Cake made you some things, they're in the kitchen."

"Thanks!" I run to the kitchen to see heaven. Three plates of sandwiches, cookies, and strawberries with a glass of water on the side. Weird combination of food but whatever. I start on the sandwiches and they are soooo good! I move on to the cookies and oh glob it's amazing. I grab a couple strawberries and quickly my stomach is full. Glob that was awesome! I put the plates in the dishwater.

I go back and see Marshall lee sleeping. I better wake him up and tell him to put something comfortable on. It irks me to see him in uncomfortable clothes. I go over to him and lightly shake him.

"Marshall" I whisper. "Marshall wake up."

"Mmm" He groans and he slowly opens his eyes. Before I can tell him to get up, he wraps his arms around me and he falls back on the long couch taking me with him. I land on his chest and I stay still. Oh my glob I don't know what to do. I try to sit up but he has a good grip around me. I try it again and he groans sleepily.

"Stop moving..." He mutters. I blink and stay still. I'm not exactly sleepy so what do I do?! My heart beats fast and I'm 100% sure he can feel it or even sense it. I give up and just lay on the male. Huh it's weird not to hear a heart beat but he is the vampire king so yeah. Not going to lie, this is pretty nice. Awesome maybe.


I feel something shifting under me and I groan wanting to sleep more. I hear someone shushing me and just touching my hair soothingly. When did I sleep? Who cares I want to sleep more.

"Come on, let's go to bed" I hear a deep voice whisper. Oh it's Marshall. I feel him carry me and I cling to him, not wanting to fall. I don't open my eyes and I feel Marshall place me on the bed. I curl up under the sheets and he shuffles in next to me. The tiredness hits me and I go out like a light again feeling his coldness by me makes me even more comfortable.

-Marshall lee's POV-

Y/n easily knocks out but she stays by me. I look at her sleeping face. Her mouth slightly open and her breathing steady. Her (h/c) hair slightly covers her face and forehead.

"You're something else" I mutter. I remember what Cake had said earlier.


"You're a crazy cat" I scoff.

"Marshall you know you like her!" Cake says huffing. "I saw you two at the ball."

My eyes wander anywhere except her teasing gaze. That damn cat.

"You know BMO told us about Finn" Cake mentions.

"What?" I blurt out facing her.

"Looks like they have quite...a bond together" Cake stretches out the last word knowing it will spark curiosity in me and damn is she right. My eyebrows knit in confusion. Quite a bond? What does that mean? Cake smirks at my expression but I cover it up with a scowl.

"You really should ask her out" Cake suggests nonchalantly. "Who knows when she's going back."

That makes me worry and I give up on trying to deny it.

"How?" I huff plopping onto the couch.

"Try to make her something!" Cake suggests. "Cookies?"

"I don't know how to bake" I groan.

"Well then let's start!" Cake exclaims.

"Is that why you called me over?" My left eyebrow raises slightly. Cake nods laughing.

"Yes it was" She admits.

"I almost brought Y/n over" I mutter. Cake drags me to the kitchen and we get started. Maybe some sandwiches and strawberries.

"She'll love these, ask her out tonight and take her somewhere" Cake says hitting my head. "Be romantic!"


Me? The vampire king being romantic? Like that'll be easy. I touch her hand softly and I can sense her heart beating steadily and her blood pumping slowly through those veins.

"Oh what you do to me is...amazing" I whisper softly. "It's strange... but I like it."

The heat of embarrassment reaches my face at my choice of words. I never thought I would be saying these things like ever. But ever since I found Y/n, something erupted inside me... something familiar. Her being here evokes a nostalgic feeling.

"Who are you?" I cup her soft warm cheek but I retract when she flinches from my cold touch. "And what are you doing to me?"


Aww Marshall being so cute to reader. Sorry for making you guys wait but I'm just trying to prepare myself for high school and I have been blessed with someone giving me advice thank you!


updated 09.26.2023

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