Chapter 2

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-Y/n's POV-

I carefully take out the batteries and throw them behind a bush. The batteries thud and I carefully tuck BMO in my book bag. I sigh and carefully stand up, and put on my bag. Might as well find a way out. I grab my flashlight and, just for safety, I check myself. My breath hitches as I see my knees are scraped and bleeding. My arms covered in cuts.

"Oh glob..." I mutter as I examine myself more. "I'll just find shelter or someone to help me in this strange place."

I point my flashlight around and thankfully I see my sword on the ground a few feet away from me. I grab it and sigh in relief. Okay now let's walk. But where? I groan inwardly and point my flashlight anywhere. To my right it's more clear so I guess I'll go there. I sigh and start walking careful not trip anywhere. It looks like the same place, did I really go into the portal?

This just looks like home.


After what seems like hours, I hear music and voices! I look straight ahead, squinting in the process, I see a dim light. My chest tightens up on the possibility of others out there. I start running despite the fiery pain in my legs. I get closer and slowly my legs start to give up.

"Come on legs don't give up on me now!" I say and see candy people! I lean on the tree and pant, trying to catch my breath. No one has noticed me yet. I quickly turn off my flashlight and put it away. Suddenly it gets quiet and I see... Finn! But something is weird. I look closer and notice Finn has...a skirt on. It's like Finn but the girl version. Is this the kind of portal it is? Well then where is female Jake? I see a cat on stage. Oh.

Then I see him.

"Guys! Marshall lee is going to play a song you guys!" I hear someone announce.

His red and black plaid shirt, black hair and his demon-like eyes. They both start on stage with a funny dance which makes me chuckle a bit. Then he starts. My eyes stay on the guy. He's like Marceline. Marshall lee.

"Good little girl..." The girls sing a beautiful tune in the background. "Always picking a fight with me. You know that I'm bad."

I stare at them but make sure I'm well hidden.

"But you're spending the night with me, you want...from my world? You're a good little girl."

Now the girl starts to sing, her long blonde hair unravels from the hat, reaching the floor. Hey it's just like Finn's. My lips tug down into a frown. My legs quiver from the running and I hang into the tree for support. The boy takes the cat and starts to dance with her.

"Bad little boy," Her voice...beautiful. "That's what you're acting like. I really don't buy, that you're that kind of guy."

I stare at her and my eyes wander over the crowd.

"And if you are...why do you want to hang out with me?" She looks at them and the boy flashes his fangs out. She gasps and grabs the cat before he can do anything. He lets out an evil chuckle.

"Don't you know I'm a villain?" He floats up with a lazy smile, "Every night I'm out killing, sending everyone running like children."

I see the girl grab her hat and tuck in her blonde hair.

"I know why you're mad at me, I've got demon eyes and they're looking right you're anatomy," He floats around and I grasp the branch harder as my legs start to feel like jelly. "Into your deepest fears, baby I'm not from here, I'm from the nightosphere, to me you're clear transparent. you got a thing for me girl, it's apparent."

He lands on the head of the stage and I feel something trickle down my head. I touch my temple and look down to see...blood. Glob dammit really? The cat comes and starts singing a song. Her butt starts to move and that's when I sit out and make sure everything is in my bag. My stomach grumbles and I remember the food Jake packed.

"I'm so hungry!" I mutter and start to eat the bread which I quickly devour. I eat two sandwiches and decide to leave the rest for later. I look up and see the two play around but then the boy pushes over female Finn over too hard causing her to slide against the wooden floor. I go around and go near the stage to see if she's okay.

"Hey break it up you two!" The cat says.

"Out of my way kitty!" The boy demands, shoving the cat aside harshly into the bushes. I gasp quietly and follow behind the stage.

"Hey!" Female Finn goes over to the cat.

"Come on that was funny!" I go through the bushes and see Female Finn carrying the cat.

"Cake! You okay?" She asks. Oh her name is cake. Wow. Cake reassures her and female Finn picks her up.

"Come on, let's get out of here" She mutters. I follow along the side. Why am I following them?

"Hey! Come on, where are you going?" The boy follows. The pain is unbearable and I collapse on the ground.

"Ouch!" I hiss. The boy stops and glances around. I scoot back and I swear I see his black eyes come across mine. Wait if this is like home...then there is also a treehouse! I stand up and start to run, as by instinct, the way home. I spot the treehouse and a smile tugs at my lips.

"Thank god..." I mutter and creak open the door. Silence is the only presence in the house. I guess this belongs to that girl and cake. I'll stay up in the other part of the house for now. This is so much like home. I miss them. I miss Finn and Jake. I go up and lay against the wall. My knees are still bleeding and so is my head.

"Finn... Jake" I mutter, "Will I survive here? How am I going to get home?"

I watch the sun rise and it looks like sleep won't be coming anytime soon. Suddenly I hear voices.

"Fiona! You didn't have to punch me, you know!" I hear.

"Shut it! You shouldn't have pulled that trick!" I look down the window and see female Finn, Cake and someone with an umbrella who I presume is the guy. They stay outside and I accidentally get on my knees. I gasp and stumble back holding back a scream. Glob dammit it hurts!

I clutch my knee and I see the familiar crimson liquid. Not to mention, the contact between the cuts on my arms and legs with the floor. This really isn't my day. I fumble around and try to stay quiet.

"Do you hear that?" I hear. Oh glob.

"Hear what?"

"It's up there!" I scoot to the wall and lean against it, panting from keeping in the scream. I squint through the sun light coming through the window until something covers it. My eyes adjust. Oh it's someone. It's the boy from last night. I forgot his name. I look at him and his face holds shock.

"Uh..." I mutter awkwardly. He glances down and back at me. What do I do? He has a really nice face.

"Uh who are you?" He asks, his voice is deep.

"Marshall! Who's up there?" I hear.

"I uh I-" I stammer as my face hears up a little. He tilts his head in confusion and a bit of irritation.

"I won't ask answer me" He says with annoyance.


Another chapter done! I'm glad you guys are enjoying my book and the next chapter will be soon!


updated 09.26.2023

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