Chapter 10

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-Y/n's POV-

"You... found a way?" I ask. Gumball nods his head as he leads me to a room.

"I've built a portal, that I tested, and it should lead you to your home world!" He exclaims. I don't know how to feel about this.

"That's great!" I say. "Can... can we try it right now?"

He gestures me to the pink lever. I pull it and the machine lights up with beautiful pastel colors. Finally it opens to a weird dimension.

"For some reason, each dimension is opened up from the bird's eye view" Gumball says. "But it works! If you want, you can try to find your dimension right now."

I stare at the machine, debating whether to try it not.

"Not right now" I say clearing my voice. Gumball looks at me, confused. "Uh I haven't fully explored this place yet! I'd like to stay a little more."

Gumball nods before saying, "You're right, would you like to set a date to try it?."

"Hm maybe next week" I say. After a while of talking and discussing plans, I head back home.


"So they found a way?!" Finn exclaims. I nod smiling at his happy bright face.

"I'm gonna make bacon pancakes when you come! Woo!!" Jake yells laughing.

"Gosh I can't wait!" I say laughing.

"Well I'm gonna go with my lady" Jake says, "I'll see ya soon, Y/n."

"Bye Jake" I say waving. "Tell her I said hi."

Finn adjusts the camera. "You're finally coming back."

"Yeah, I am" I say running a hand through my hair.

"It's the afternoon, shouldn't you be sleeping?" He asks.

"Yeah but I'm waiting for Marshall" I say. "He's in the nightosphere right now."

"You should just sleep Y/n" He says. "It's not good to stay up remember?"

I blink and sigh. Yeah I remember. For two weeks, I didn't sleep when I was with Finn. I just couldn't. Then Bubblegum gave me a potion to help me sleep again. It worked! But she advised me to not stay up too late.

"Yeah you're right" I sigh. "I'll talk to you later."

We both say our goodbyes and the call ends.

"Are you going to tell Marshall Lee?" BMO asks.

"Hm not right now" I say. "That party is coming up so maybe after that."

"When is the party?"

"I... don't know" I reply, trying to remember if he told me or not. I guess he didn't. I go to the bed after putting on some of Marshall's clothes. I really need to get my own. But it's not like I'm staying here long. I get into the cold covers and curl into a ball. It feels empty.

I hear rustling and see BMO climb up and wriggle into my arms. I smile as he looks up at me with a smile as well.

"Thanks BMO" I say and hug the small device.

"Goodnight Y/n"

-Marshall Lee's POV-

"Well you ate my fries so I don't care!" I yell, making a portal back home before mom can yell at me. I sigh and walk back to the cave. All the lights are off. Y/n must be asleep. Damn I should've came earlier, I haven't really hung out out with her. I stretch my limbs and go inside the house turning on the lights and plop onto the couch.

"Maybe tomorrow I'll take her somewhere fun" I mutter, my hand going through my hair. "And the party is coming up."

I close my eyes and let out a long quiet sigh.

"Marshall?" I look up to see Y/n, her eyes squinting from the light and BMO asleep in her arms.

"Y/n go back to sleep" I tell her, standing up.

"You're back" She says with a sleepy smile.

"Yeah I'm sorry I took too long" I apologize whispering. She shakes her head with yawn and I grab her shoulders. "Okay let's go to sleep, tomorrow we'll go somewhere okay, love?"

I stop. Did I just call her love? A nostalgic feeling overcomes me and my eyebrows furrow in confusion. This feels so... familiar.

"Okay Marshall" Y/n says chuckling. This is too familiar. I shrug it off and lead her back to the room turning the lights off.

"How was your day?" I ask quietly.

"Good I went over to Gumball's and..." She stops and clears her throat. "A-And he taught me some things about royalty."

"Sounds fun" I say and lead her to bed. Why did she stop? Things about royalty? That's weird of him. She crawls on the bed and lays down again. I stare at her sleeping figure and my lip twitches into a smile. How beautiful. I slip off my shirt and pull down my pants. I'll sleep in boxers.

"Marshall... come to bed" Y/n says quietly. I chuckle and crawl into the nice warm sheets. On the other side is Y/n. Her eyes closed and her arms around the small device. Now I'm not so sleepy. I just want to watch her.

"Go to sleep" She says, surprising me. "I can see you looking at me."

I see her eyes squinting and I chuckle.

"Fine fine" I sigh and close my eyes. I turn to the other side and slide my arm under the other side of the pillow.

A few minutes of silence and I feel her shuffling. I can feel her right behind me. I turn back to her and see her peering up at me with a lopsided smile.

"Go to sleep" I say flicking her forehead. She chuckles and nods.

"Okey dokey" She sighs and closes her eyes. I wrap my arms around her. Y/n snuggles in and exhales slowly. I thought she would be uncomfortable but I guess not. Why is this so familiar? Like we've done this before... like we've met before.


I groggily open my eyes and see Y/n at the other side of the bed, a cold empty feeling between my arms. Her h/c hair all crazy. Bed hair. I chuckle and rub my eyes. Y/n turns around and give me a sloppy smile.

"Morning," She says. "It's a surprise to see you here."

"I'm full of surprises" I say, propping myself on my elbows. "Let's go out today."

"Where to?" She asks holding BMO.

"Anywhere" I reply simply, with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Wow okay" She chuckles. I join her and so does BMO.

Her eyes glance at my abdomen and she peers down at BMO awkwardly with a red tint blossoming on her cheeks. I chuckle at her flushed state.

"Okay perv let's go eat breakfast" I laugh, standing up.

"I-I'm not a perv!" She protests before muttering "Well..."

I glance at her and see her playing with BMO. I shake my head with a smile. She's really something.


Okay so yay an update! I'm really really sorry for the long long wait but school is really pushing me over the edge and JROTC is keeping me so busy it's stressing me out. But I finally updated! So much has happened and I'm surprised I haven't had a mental breakdown at school! Thank you for waiting patiently now time to update the others😖


updated 09.26.2023

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