Chapter 9

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-Y/n's POV-

I slip into the red dress and fix up my hair to make it neater. I pull on those black killing machines. I wonder where we're going.

"Y/n? Are you ready?" Marshall lee calls out from outside. BMO hugs me.

"We won't be long okay?" I hug him and he giggles.

"Take all the time you need" He says. I chuckle and leave him on the bed. We say good bye and I meet Marshall outside.

"Hey" I say smiling.

"Let's go" He says and turns to a huge bat. I laugh and climb onto his back. He starts flying out into the night. My eyes sweep over the forest and up to the starry sky. Beautiful. We pass the crowds of trees and he dives down to a clearing but with a small house in the middle. He lands on the grass and I slide off.

"What're we doing here?" I ask as Marshall lee turns back to himself.

"I found this house a long time ago and it's really nice" He says. "I can't remember who lived here but might as well use it."

Lights turn on and I stare at the house. Beautiful paint coating the outer walls. I really like this house. Feels like a dream house. My throat dries up as my heart starts to beat rapidly. My mind flashes and my vision gets distorted.

"Why do you love it here?"

"Because it's peaceful out here" I chuckle. "It's lovely isn't Marshall? You know you love it."

"Not as much as I lo-"

I blink, snapping out of my thoughts. What was that?

"You okay?" Marshall lee asks.

"Yeah" I say smiling. He nods and leads me to the back of the house. My eyes widen at the sight of a table with food and candles.

"Wow Marshall lee" I tease. "You've really outdone yourself."

"Shut up" He mutters punching my arm playfully. I chuckle and we both sit down at the table.


"I'm having a party soon in the Nightosphere soon" Marshall lee says sucking on a red apple. "Care to join? The parties are pretty crazy."

"I'm all up for it, sure" I chuckle.

"So...any luck on finding a way home?" Marshall lee asks.

"Uh Gumball might have found a way" I chirp. Marshall lee smiles but it looks a little forced.

"That's good" He says.

"So what's the party for?" I ask changing the subject.

"My birthday is coming up so gotta celebrate" He chuckles.

"Nice" I comment. We quickly change the subject but I see him fidget in his chair some more.


"Let's walk it back" Marshall suggests. We clean up and Marshall gestures me over to a path leading into the forest. We walk to the dark path and I squint to see into the darkness. Does he really think I can see through the darkness? I mean I know he can but I'm just nervously waiting for me to trip and fall on my face.

I walk carefully but nope. I trip over a rock and gasp as I cover my face with my arms. I wait for the hard contact but it never comes. I blink and feel the arms around me. Marshall turns me with a smirk.

"If you couldn't see, you should've told me" He says.

"Sorry" I say sheepishly. He sweeps me off my feet and carries me bridal style. Marshall doesn't say anything and I don't either. The walk is silent except for the sounds one would hear in a forest.

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