Chapter 5

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-Y/n's POV-

"Let's see you baby!" Cake calls out. I fidget a bit in the dress. I come out from the bathroom and they look at me in awe. I look in the mirror. My dress is red with a black veil covering the dress and a black corset around the waist. This is amazing! I'm going to have to pay back for this because this is stunning.

"How does it look?" I ask.

"Marshall lee is going to be all over you!" Fiona says. "But where do we put our weapons?"

"Girl you are not bringing any weapons!" Cake shakes her head. After a while of arguing, Fiona brings her sword anyways. I guess I won't bring mine.

"Let's leave your hair as is" Cake says. I haven't touched my hair so it's a bit tangled out, with a quick touch up it's back to normal. She puts a random flower in it from a broken potted plant.

"Alright Fiona, Gumball will be all over you" Cake teases. Fiona huffs and fidgets in her dress, so do I.

"You're not use to wearing dresses either?" Fiona asks chuckling.

"Uh first time actually" I admit sheepishly. We both chuckle and Cake moves us along.


"We're here" Cake says chuckling. Fiona peeks in and I clear my throat.

"Fiona! I'm glad you made it!" We see Prince Gumball smiling. "I have something to show you."

"Hey baby, why don't we go in?" Cake says. "And leave these two alone."

Fiona glances at Cake and then at me with a 'please don't leave me here with him!' face. I give her a thumbs up anyway and me and Cake go in. The room was sugary and filled with an up tempo tune.

"Look! Marshall lee is over there" Cake whispers. I glance over and see Marshall floating around talking to the candy people.

"What do I do?!" I ask. This feels like it's going so fast.

"Go over and talk to him!" She says and shoves me his way. I catch my balance on these dangerous killing machines on my feet. I clear my throat and walk over to him.

"Hey Marshall" I greet. He turns to me and gives me a grin.

"Nice dress" He compliments, his eyes scanning me up and down.

"Thanks" I say. "Where's BMO?"

"Ah, over there" He says pointing. I look to see the little robot dancing and chatting with some candy people. I smile at BMO having fun. I turn to Marshall lee and he winks at me.

"Blood red dress" He says, giving me a thumbs up. "Makes me hungry."

"Oh ahaha" I stammer as he licks his lips and chuckles.

"Kidding okay?" He says laughing. "Well I'm going to play a song so this party won't be so...Gumball-ish"

I roll my eyes playfully and he grabs his axe guitar(?).

"Want to join?" He asks. "With that voice, it'll get this party going."

"Okay sure" I say. I follow him to the front of the room and he starts off with a familiar tune.

"You sure you know this song Princess?" He asks smirking.

"Don't call me princess" I say giving him an innocent smile. "I'm a friggin queen!"

"Whoa okay" He says cocking one eyebrow. I tap my foot and a candy person hands me a microphone. Oh okay.

"I took a walk around the world to
Ease my troubled mind

"I left my body lying somewhere
In the sands of time

"I watched the world float to the dark
Side of the moon
I feel there is nothing I can do, yeah"

I sway to the beat and I hear Marshall lee chuckle. All the candy people stare at me before starting to dance.

"I watched the world float to the
Dark side of the moon

"After all I knew it had to be something
To do with you

"I really don't mind what happens now and then
As long as you'll be my friend at the end"

"If I go crazy then will you still
Call me Superman

"If I'm alive and well, will you be
There holding my hand

"I'll keep you by my side with
My superhuman might

I see the guests dance and cheer but no Cake in sight. Where'd she go?

"You called me strong, you called me weak
But still your secrets I will keep

"You took for granted all the times I
Never let you down

"You stumbled in and bumped your head, if
Not for me then you'd be dead

"I picked you up and put you back
On solid ground"

Marshall lee floats around playing the tune louder. The candy people cheer and I finally see Cake and Fiona but Fiona's dress is ripped! I also see Gumball come in a bit gloomy and Fiona looking away embarrassed and tired.

"If I go crazy then will you still
Call me Superman

"If I'm alive and well, will you be
There holding my hand

"I'll keep you by my side with
My superhuman might

"Oh whoa whoa"

I bob my head to the beat and wave a bit at Fiona and Cake who wave back smiling before dancing.

"If I go crazy then will you still
Call me Superman

"If I'm alive and well, will you be
There holding my hand

"I'll keep you by my side with
My superhuman might

I see BMO dancing and laughing, making my smile go wider. He's so adorable! I glance at Marshall lee who's smiling at me.

"If I go crazy then will you still
Call me Superman

"If I'm alive and well, will you be
There holding my hand

"I'll keep you by my side with
My superhuman might

I finish and catch my breath. Everyone cheers and I smile before handing it over to a candy band, keeping the mood alive

"That was amazing!" Prince Gumball says clapping. "Applaud for Y/n! And... Marshall lee."

He says the last part quickly and shakes my hand and whispers "You have a very nice voice, by the way."

"Doesn't she?" Marshall lee says wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I smile awkwardly and I go over to Fiona and Cake.

"Hey, me and Cake are going home" Fiona says caring small Cake in her arms. "Are you coming?"

"Nah she's coming with me" I hear and again that arm around my shoulder. I look up to see Marshall lee grinning at them.

"Okay...oh and...." Cake trails off an whispers into Marshall's ear. His eyes widen and he nods.

"Yes ma'am" He responds, his posture fixed. They nod and start to talk home. BMO runs in laughing and hugs my leg.

"Now...let's go home" He whispers in my ear. Shivers go up my spine but I'm not saying I don't like it.


Oh you guys love it. I mean why else would you be reading this ehehe. Now another chapter done! Awesome! I hope you guys enjoyed this and see ya soon


updated 09.26.2023
jesus i forgot i had a whole song in here and i would've gotten rid of it but this was written in a time where people devoured that up so ill keep it in its time.

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