Chapter 15

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Gon ran for two days straight, reaching the Hunter Islands in that time span, he met with Leorio and told him to spread the news.
Illumi is going down, need reinforcements.

Gon had thought it was a good idea, but Leorio just patted him on the back and said that he would send a similar note to the select few the boy had chosen.
"Gon," Leorio shuffled through his briefcase, readying himself for the trip, "I would help you myself--"
He waved him off, "Don't worry Leorio, just study for your doctorates! 'kay?" Gon planted a huge grin on his face, making his long time friend crack a smile.
"Okay, I'll send them back here when I find them," Leorio nodded once, then shut his door behind him.
"Now, I could've gone, but Leorio told me not to because I would just befriend even more people," Gon said over his shoulder.
There on the stairs stood Killua's younger sister, Alluka, who broke out into a smile, realising it was her Onii-chan's best friend.
"Nee! Why don't we play cards?" He asked, making sure to phrase his words right. He didn't exactly want to call out her other personality.
Gon didn't really get the whole duel persona thing going on with Alluka, but trusted Killua when he said not to wish for anything.
Leorio strolled off the boat, saying his final goodbyes to the captain and his crew.
He slung his briefcase over his shoulder and began looking around for clues on where to find his next target.
Leorio had already located two on Gon's list of five, but was finding it more difficult as time went on.
He checked his watch, "Day two, 12:35pm," he mumbled to himself.
Half an hour later, he found himself a quaint restaurant to sit in, and to examine the pictures once again.
Gon had gotten them off of the Hunter database, and only revealed one secret between the two, Gon and his friend, so that they'd know to trust Leorio.
He poked at a fry, adjusted his glasses, then noticed something.
His eyes trailed the little girl walking past the window, "AH! That's her!"
A nearby waitress dropped a glass at his sudden outburst, whereas the other costumers stared wide-eyed.
Leorio flung money onto the table and ran out the door to catch her.
Surprisingly, she looked young, but Leorio could feel much more power than she let on.
Her blonde hair bounced as she walked, as did her frilly pink dress. She hummed to herself until she decided to pay attention to Leorio's presence being her.
She whirled to face him, looking straight up, "Can I help you?" Her voice was a bit deeper than expected.
"Um, Biscuit-san?" Leorio scratched the back of his neck, placing his case down.
The young girl quirked up an eyebrow, "Yes? May I ask who you are?" Her voice going more cutesy now.
Leorio paused, remember, she's a baa-chan.... "Gon sent me to ask you to help us..." He glanced down at her, she looked slightly intrigued.
"Gon? Are you a friend of his then?" She crossed her arms, "How can I know? I'm not about to wonder off with some young man."
Her true self coming out a bit more with that last statement.
Leorio chuckled, he sift through the pictures he held onto, "Here," it was one of Killua, Kurapika, Gon and him.
Her eyes softened, "Glad he didn't die."
"Well... Ah.. ya," he smiled awkwardly, "So can you help? I'll give you the rundown once everyone's gathered."
Biscuit stretched her arms, then cracked her knuckles, "Who'd we gotta find?"
"Some guy called Wing-san?" Leorio squinted at the piece of paper he held, then returned his eyes back to Biscuit.
She was smirking, "That's an easy one."
"Wowsers," Leorio raised his hand above his eyes to shield the sun, "This is one tall building."
"Heaven's arena is over 300 stories, of course it is," Biscuit proceeded to head to the entrance.
He still gawked at the height before nearly knocking over Bisky.
She glared, but let it slide.
Once inside, they lined up, although Leorio had no idea what for, he just thought it was the entrance fee line.
The secretary spoke, "Next please."
Biscuit stood taller, "Hello, we'd like to enter."
The girl gave Biscuit all the forms, along with Leorio.
He looked puzzled until Bisky explained that to get in where Wing-san was, they had to fight.
"I'm a lover, not a fighter, Biscuit-san," he groaned as he filled in the sheet.
She rolled her eyes, "Please, anyone can beat these losers."
Leorio glanced around to find angry faces, then tried to bow, apologising.
"Come on, we've got no time for your dilly-dally."
"Hey now!" Leorio frowned, "I'm helping Gon out as much as you are!"
Half an hour later, Biscuit was called to one of the multiple stages.
She was up against a tall muscular man, with many tattoos.
Leorio watched the screen as he sighed, his number was called.
His head whipped to the screen again, "No wonder Gon wanted her."
Leorio walked out onto a fighting platform, facing a man just about his height.
The difference was that his opponent looked like a hoodlum.
When the referee shouted start, the hoodlum lunged towards Leorio, trying to knock him down.
Instead, Leorio batted out a fist, and rammed it into the guy's head, causing him to fly backwards off the platform.
He dusted off his shoulders and was about to leave when the referee told him to wait.
"You can go to the 50's."
Leorio took the slip of paper, not knowing what to do with it until he saw Biscuit by the exit.
As they headed toward the lift, she took the receipt out of his hands, "Oh, good job," she chuckled, "I got to level 100, but I knew you'd only get to 50, so.." she showed hers, a big 50 was scribbled on it.
Leorio smirked, "Let's just get Wing-san."
The elevators closed behind them.

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