Chapter 25

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"Uggghhhh," Killua grabbed his hair, tugging it at it, "Why won't you listen!?" He yelled at Sasuke, who held his chin higher.
Sakura urged Killua not to yell, but was pulled back by Naruto.
"Gon's gone now," Killua continued, his eye flashed menacingly, "He escaped because you couldn't handle him."
Bisky barked out a laugh, startling Wing-san, and Morel, "If we didn't let him go, Killua, then Illumi would've made him kill himself."
Kakashi nodded as he pondered, "But then again, would he have?"
Hinata shivered at the thought, but decided not to speak out, and just held onto Neji's shirt tighter.
"Illumi's powerful," Ging said, "He won't be lenient from here on out."
"And just what makes you say that?" Bisky flared, placing her hands on her hips.
Ging's expression darkened, "Because I've seen other people like him," he spoke directly to the sensei to make his point, infuriating Bisky even more so than before.
Killua's expression darkened.
Naruto stepped forward, "We need to get him back," his voice didn't waver, "What would he do for us?"
Morel smiled wickedly, "He'd kick their asses."
"Ya that too, I guess," Naruto's cheeks turned a slight crimson colour as he scratched the back of his head.
Killua just glared, and decided it was best not to say anything. He began to pace, like he normally did in situations like these.
Kakashi watched as he did so, before breathing in and speaking, "I think we should form a plan, first of all."
Sakura's face was grim at the thought, she swallowed the lump in her throat, "What if we find Gon?"
"Then we have to get that needle out," Morel said, looking to both Ging and Killua for support. They nodded.
"I can look after the ninja trainees," Wing-San offered, he was used to protecting Zushi back home. No one had really come to terms with calling each other by their proper titles.
"Let's go then," Killua was facing the doorway, it had been smashed open by Gon. We have to get him back from Illumi, he grind his teeth.

"What the hell is this place!?" Naruto yelled, he ran ahead of the group when he turned around and ran back at full speed, "AGHHH!"
He hid behind Sakura.
"That was just your shadow," Kakashi deadpanned.
"But it is a maze in here," Sakura looked around, amazed.
Ging shook his head, "You haven't seen anything, kid."
Naruto wiped his forehead, stumbling a bit he asked, "How long have we been walking for?-"
"-13 hours."
"-13 hours."
"-13 hours."
"-13 hours."
"-13 hours."
All the Hunters looked at each other and cracked a smile, this amount of walking was nothing in comparison to the Exam they all had to go through once.
Hinata and Neji strolled close at the back of the group, keeping an eye on anything strange.
"Excuse me," Hinata stood beside Ging now, "Do you feel that?" She pointed to her right, "I can see something there, some type of... aura."
He frowned.
Killua had listened in, trying to feel something from the direction she had indicated.
Sasuke looked straight ahead, not caring about some aura, but about how his Aniki was steps away from his grasp.
Illumi never wanted me to have Gon as a friend, or any friends, Killua furrowed his brow, The day has come to start the Zoldyck genocide.
Kakashi, and any of the other experienced fighters, immediately could tell that the young ex-assassin had nearly flicked on his switch.

By this point, Naruto was wishing he, too, could sense the aura that Hinata had just spoken about a mere thirty seconds prior, but his persistence vanished as soon as it came. Dammit! Why's everyone so much stronger!? He especially glared at Killua.

Killua flicked a glance behind him, and shook his head, "Now's not the time to fight with me, Naruto."

"Gah!?" Naruto jumped back, how did he know I was thinking that??

Bisky chuckled, but she didn't stray from her guarding duties, she was experienced enough to know that something- no, someone, was up ahead.

Ging, Morel and Wing-san exchanged a knowing look as they circled in tighter around the younger ninja. Kakashi held his hand in the air now, with Killua beside him, they began to see a light at the end of the hallway, most literally.

"Byakugan!" Neji recited as quietly as a whisper of the wind, he instantly saw the three who had captured them, along with Gon standing near the back of the large room. Neji nodded, signalling that they've found them. Naruto visibly trembled, but it wasn't from fear, as Bisky raised her eyes to the boy's, she noticed that he was excited.

"I've seen that look before," Bisky said.

Sorry for the late update!
End of school is coming in a couple weeks so I've been busy!
Coming up... well you'll just have to wait and read ;)
Thanks for reading <3
P.s what was your favourite fight scene in either Naruto or HXH? Lemme know! XD

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