The Last Chapter

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"Ehhhhhh!???" Gon whined, "I came in second?"
"Aha!" Naruto stood straighter, "No one beats me in stamina!"
"But no one beats Gon in speed," Killua said, then he paused, "Except for me."
"Eh!?" Gon jumped in front of Killua as they walked to the Hokage's office, "I totallllyyyy beat you just now!"
Killua rubbed his nose, "That's cause I didn't feel like winning."
"Liar!" Naruto called out, pointing a finger.
"You won money at Heavens Arena," Gon narrowed his eyes, "Didn't you..."
"You betchya!" Killua smiled, "It's soooo easyyyy to make money there!"
Naruto frowned, "What're you guys talkin' about?" He was slouching.
"Ah, well-"
"-Nice to see you all lively," a familiar voice echoed.
"Old man!"
"Travel well, Naruto?"
The ninja nodded.
"Do you mind if we discuss this topic in your office?" Killua asked roughly, he put his hands in his pockets.
The third nodded solemnly.
"So Hinata-chan is being taken to the medical centre now then?" The Hokage folded his hands on his desk, Naruto nodded, his lips thinned, "And what of Illumi?" He had spoken to Killua this time.
The boy looked to Gon before responding, "He went back home." Killua had said it quickly.
"Killua-kun, didn't we discuss that I wanted Illumi to face our charges?"
He frowned, and clenched his jaw, "I'm going to kill them all anyway, it doesn't matter about those frivolous charges!" He took a breath, "Besides," something in Killua's eyes changed, startling Naruto, but caused the Third to observe him more carefully, "He could get rid of everyone in this village if he was paid to, they don't stop, Old man."
The Hokage knew that Killua was now referring to his family.
"If they get money, they'll kill as long as they can win," Killua chuckled as he peered at his own hands, "I should know."
Gon frowned, "You're a Hunter, Killua, not an assassin anymore."
Killua nodded, and closed his eyes, then once he opened them again, it was like as if he was like any other child, "They were all flakes."
Naruto cleared his throat, eyeing Killua slightly before laughing boisterously, "Ya, old man, you should've seen how they ran!"
"Bakaaaa," Killua stuck out his tongue, "They got bored, dumbass!"
Gon caught hold of Naruto before he could fling himself at Killua.
"Well, nonetheless, you're all alive," the third stated, he looked behind them, "Ah, Kakashi, mina," the Hunters grouped behind the hidden leaf ninja.
Sakura ran to Naruto, "Hinata has a cast on now," he grinned, as did Gon. She went back to Sasuke, to tell him that they had to go and look after her. The grim boy nodded, and waved goodbye to the group.
Sakura stopped with a hand on the door, and turned, "Say, it was nice fighting with you guys," her quaint smile warmed Gon's heart, along with Bisky's, and Morel's, whom both grinned back. Wing-San was still over Bisky's shoulder. Didn't think he'd be out for so long, Ging yawned.
Killua nodded, "You weren't as horrible as I thought either."
Sakura rolled her eyes, and took Sasuke's sleeve as they made their way out into the hallway.
The soft click of the door told Killua that he could speak again, "So-"
"-Are... we back at the village?" Wing-San was planted on his feet, Bisky patted him on the back, he dipped his head in apology, "Arigatou."
Ging frowned, "What was it you were going to say, kid?" He crossed his arms.
Killua made eye contact with Wing-San, then to each of the other Hunters, besides Gon, "I'd like for you to head back before us, we have to wait for Kurapika and Knuckles anyway, I have other matters to discuss with the old man and Kakashi."
The Hokage stood then, "Arigatou gozaimasu, you all faced terrible opponents to defend the Hidden Leaf," he smiled graciously, and bowed, "You are all welcome back any time you wish."
Ging smirked, "Thanks, but no thanks," he got startled by Bisky's glare, "I mean, it's- it's just that, there's too many people, ya know?"
"You just didn't find any ruins, that's why, isn't it..." Morel shook his head, he couldn't believe that Gon's father was such an unmotivated person.
"Well," Gon laughed as he lifted his arms, "We'll see you when we get back, Killua'll send word~"
The Zoldyck opened his mouth to protest, but shut it again, and shrugged.
Bisky hugged Gon, and hit Killua on the shoulder, while Wing-San congratulated them both on their improvements.
"It was great to see you two again," Morel chuckled, he ended up ruffling both Gon and Killua's hair, "Make sure Knuckles gets back alright, he gets in too many fights as it is."
"Uhn!" Gon smiled.
Killua watched as Ging slapped Gon on the back.
"See ya."
".....Geeezzz," Killua looked disgusted, "He tries to act so cool..."
Gon laughed, but it died just as the door closed again.
"Nee, Killua," His honey eyes were cloudy and darker now, "You noticed it too, right."
He shot a look to his best friend, So Gon must've sensed it, "Itachi isn't who he said he is."
Kakashi cleared his throat, "What'd you mean by that?"
Killua didn't miss the exchange between the Hokage and him, "I think you know exactly what we mean, Kurapika nearly touched on it too, before he passed out."
Gon agreed.
"Why was Itachi fighting with my aniki?"
The Third sighed, I knew this kid was too smart for his own good, he looked at Gon, thought he was a dimwit like Naruto, but I guess he was clever enough to figure it out about Itachi too.
"I'm thinking that Itachi was the one to hire my brother, and Aniki lied to okaa-San about having to kill Itachi," Killua started, "If that's true, then Itachi must've wanted those Anbu to be killed, or else why contact Illumi?" He crossed his arms, "But Itachi isn't like my brother or Hisoka..." His mind flashed the image of Itachi pulling out Gon's needle.
"Ah! Soka!" Gon jammed his right fist onto the open palm of his left, "Itachi didn't care about winning!"
Kakashi placed a hand to his temples, "Not quite, Gon-kun."
"No, he needed those Anbu to die," Killua searched around the office for some sort of clue, his eyes roamed over titles of bound books, over the papers on the Hokage's desk, back to the documents on the shelves, what happened in the Hidden Leaf? Itachi clearly wanted to hide something...
"Sasuke wants to kill him," Killua started again,    he had understood his feelings on the matter, "Sasuke..." Killua thought, "Itachi..." pause, "Itachi killed...?"
Gon had fuzzed out, he couldn't follow Killua's train of thought.
Right, because Itachi murdered the Uchiha clan, Sasuke wants to kill him, but Itachi doesn't want to kill anyone in the village, except for those Anbu? I clearly saw him helping us, he was like- like a secret hero......!?
"Itachi was protecting something," Killua's eyes bore into the Third's, "He had to hire Illumi to kill those Anbu, they must've been up to something, something that would harm... well Itachi's like a shadow, he would've had something important to him to protect."
Kakashi gave the Third an all-knowing look, the old man nodded in response.
"We found out that those Anbu were conspiring with the Akatsuki, and were planning to take down the village," The Hokage had brought hands underneath his chin.
"Then Itachi?" Killua shook his head, "I don't get it."
"Me neither!" Gon whined, "It makes sense that Itachi was with Illumi because he had paid him to, or else he would've killed us all if Itachi wasn't there... but it doesn't make sense why he would help us!" Gon had been filled in on the run back to the village.
"Yes, Itachi did pay Illumi," Kakashi said, "Hokage-sama confirmed it to me before we left."
"Ehh!?" Both Gon and Killua cried out.
The Third smiled faintly, "It was a secret."
"What!?" Killua fumed, "From who! That information would've been valuable ya know!"
Gon nodded, "It coulda helped."
Kakashi took a breath, and half-smiled, "This is going nowhere," he directed the comment to the Hokage beside him.
"I understand," the old man sat straighter.
Kakashi nodded, and began with,  "You see, Itachi was lost on the path of life once, his family was planning to..."
Killua walked down the main road in the ninja village, "Sheesh, who woulda thought, eh Gon?"
"Yup, but, even if we can't tell Sasuke, hopefully he'll come to realize what his aniki's actually like," his best friend kicked a stone out of the way.
"Maybe he never will," Killua placed his hands behind his head and looked to the sky. The colours were mostly orange and red now.
Gon shrugged, and watched the sun set as they walked to the hospital, "Hopefully he's not too late."
Killua smirked, "Since even you picked it up, I'm sure Sasuke'll be able to as well."
"What's that supposed to mean!" Gon pouted.
Killua laughed, and stuck out his tongue, "Blehhh!~"
"Jannn Ken--"
"No you don't!" Naruto's voice sounded from behind Killua, "RASENGAN!"
Killua felt a massive gust of wind pass his face, and next thing he knew, the building in front of him was collapsing.
"Wowwww~ where did you learn that!!?"
"Heh heh heh."
"Naruto, I'm going to seriously kill you."
"Gahahaha! No one can kill me- dattebayo!"
"Uhh... Naruto-kun... maybe you should..."
"What the hell!! No fair!!!...KAKASHI-SENSEI!!!"
•    •    •
The masked ninja looked up from the book he was reading, and sneezed, I must be getting sick.

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