Chapter 17

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Killua yawned, then stretched. He had just woken from a nap underneath a tree, where Naruto was still asleep beside him.
It was then that Sakura rushed over, "Guys!! He's back!"
Naruto grunted awake and wiped his eyes, "Who?"
Killua raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Of course he is."
Immediately, the young ex-assassin made his way to the Hyuga residence, leaving Naruto and Sakura to bicker behind him.
"I told you he'd come back, Naruto," the pink haired ninja stated, giving her teammate a good whack on the head.
The walk back was peaceful despite the two, but Killua's heart wouldn't stop pounding. The anticipation of seeing his best friend for the first time in a week was big, especially since he's been stuck with people he doesn't know all too well.
Killua sighed, he wanted to run as fast as he could to the house, but knew he would not hear the end of how he abandoned Naruto after being summoned.
As soon as he could see the house in the distance, Killua took off, waving at the two ninja to follow.
He pushed open the gates, running towards the major cluster of auras within the home.
Gon knows how to pick people, Killua mused.
He slipped into the room, finding only five others from the Islands, his blue eyes roamed from person to person, allowing himself to smile slightly at each of them.
Until that is, he saw the man who looked like an older version of his friend.
Killua's face changed, he frowned, "Ging," his voice was somewhat cold, knowing that Gon's own father didn't even try to rescue his son from death, he sighed, "I've heard nothing about you," he rolled his shoulders.
Gon chuckled, rubbing the back of his head, "I still don't know much."
Naruto huffed in the doorway, "Who're these guys?" He narrowed his eyes.
Bisky popped up, and placed herself in front of the very orange boy, "We're their trusty comrades, boy."
Naruto stood straight, lifting his chin up, "No one's gonna be better than me!"
Sakura rolled her eyes at him, "Sorry about him, he's a Baka."
Morel waved it off, while Knuckles began looking around the room.
Nothing was out of place, which seemed slightly odd to the visitors.
Light chatter began to fill the room.
"I've never heard of justo," Knuckles commented, as Sakura gave an exasperated look. Wing-san was intrigued to how much this girl knew.
"It's jutsu, Knuckles-San!" Gon laughed, butting in, "It's like nen, nee Sakura-chan?"
She smiled, "Nearly."
Ging watched his son interact with the others, although pulling off a cold shoulder, he was fiercely proud of Gon, "He can make anyone his friend, unlike myself."
"Did you say something, Ging-San?" Morel inquired, setting his weapon down with a thump.
He shook his head, "Just wondering when this meeting's gonna start."
Sasuke eyed the man, seeing the uncanny resemblance between Gon and his father, Ging didn't let it go unnoticed.
"You a ninja too?"
Sasuke's eyes widened, but nodded anyway, "Yes."
"Best of your class, huh?"
Sasuke's eyebrows furrowed.
Ging smirked, "Don't try too hard," he shifted his gaze towards his son, "There're those who'll naturally be better."
Sasuke glared at Naruto, who had found Hinata in the hallway, "I'll just need to get rid of them then."
"Sure, that's one way," The man shrugged, not really caring about these ninja children in the slightest, they could take care of themselves.
Someone cleared their throat, it was Kakashi, with his white spiky hair and masked face, it made Knuckles on edge.
"I'm glad to see you back alive," he bowed slightly to Gon.
"Hai!" The boy saluted.
"As for this get together," he went on, pulling out a scroll, "I assume you all know why you're here." Kakashi made eye contact with everyone in the room.
He then turned behind him, "Hinata, Neji, could you please join us?"
Wing-san knew immediately that these weren't any ordinary children, the way they stood, the way they looked at them, he knew, they were valuable.
Killua stood quietly, knowing why they've been called in.
Three days ago, the elders of the Hyuuga clan decided that they would be able to spare some members to aid in the mission, although with the clan already spread so thin, the only two capable enough, and skilled enough, were the future Heiress and her bodyguard.
Killua stepped forward, he had remained in his own thoughts until now, "Illumi has a high price in the Islands, so we need to be set on our plans."
Ging eyed the boy, a zoldyck, huh? He could just tell from his features.
Killua flicked his gaze towards Gon's father, then smiled slightly at Gon.
"And Itachi isn't someone to be fooled," Sasuke clenched his jaw, Sakura held his shoulder.
Everyone had been informed, in detail, of the situation prior to meeting.
Gon was the one to do that, making sure not to leave out the crucial bits while they were running.
"Based on the information I've gathered," Kakashi took a breath, "We're up against the Akatsuki."
Naruto tilted his head, "The what?"
Sorry for the realllyyyy late update, started college, and didn't get much time to write!! Looking to update once a week again (did I even do that before???) XD
Thanks for reading!!! 🤗

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