Chapter 19

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The group ran together through the thick trees.
Killua wished that they could have just ran on the ground, but it was mentioned that it was safer in the tree tops.
It's easy enough when you've been born and raised in the forest, Killua thought, glancing over to Gon, who was well ahead of himself.
Shikamaru stayed back a ways, in order to properly examine each person's movements and key strengths, he was not entirely great at formulating plans with ninja he did not know.
But it was Neji and Hinata who brought up the rear, with their 360 degree field of vision, they were perfect for the job.
Kakashi led with his dogs.
The rest were crowded in between, not in a strong formation, but one that sufficed for the unclear path ahead.
Ging quirked an eyebrow at his son.
Knuckles shot a glare at the upcoming clearing.
Bisky quickly grabbed the kid's collars, both Sakura's and Sasuke's, as Wing-San stopped Naruto in his tracks.
Morel brought out his massive bat, guarding Shikamaru.
They stood tightly together, back to back.
Hinata and Neji took one side each, while Killua jumped to Gon's left.
It was silently eery, with only the wind rustling the loose leaves.
"Ne," Gon looked up to his Otou-San, "Are we close?"
Kakashi was the one who answered, "Yes, to our hideout at least," he hushed him then, as something moved.
Gon grinned from ear to ear, Killua half-smiled as they made eye-contact.
"Yaaaa!!!" Gon yelled as he jumped from the branch he stood on, all the way to the forest floor.
"Gon!" It seemed as though everyone had shouted his name.
But Killua followed right behind him.
"Stop!" Sakura tried to climb down from branch to branch, only for Ging to say something like, they're just excited.
The sun was only able to peak through the treetops slightly.
Not making it visible enough for the group to spot what Killua and Gon were running towards.
No one was paying attention to Kakashi's dogs, who were somewhat calm.
"Ahahahaha!" Gon giggled, waving to those still in the trees.
Killua grinned, keeping up with his friend's rapid pace.
Just making it to the clearing, Gon immediately stopped, gleaming at the sight.
"It's so warm!" He stretched out his arms.
A blond head peaked out from behind the sole tree in the middle, the boy leaned against it.
Killua narrowed his eyes, "Kura--"
The taller boy fell to his knees, clutching his abdomen, letting his weapons fall out of his hand as he did so.
"Kurapika!" Gon yelled, bolting.
Killua quickly waved over their group, signalling an emergency.
A few minutes later and Kurapika was laid down on a blanket that Sakura conveniently brought.
Bisky felt Kurapika's forehead, "He has a fever," she glanced to Sakura who was feeding him some sort of healing concoction.
Sasuke noticed the trail of blood coming from the direction he assumed Kurapika had travelled.
Startled, Sasuke glance at Knuckles who had just grabbed his shoulder, "Don't even think of going out there by yourself."
Morel chuckled, hitting Knuckles on the arm, "Don't go scaring the boy, I'm sure he knows that much."
Hinata allowed herself to sit beside Naruto.
He was facing away from the team, looking upset with his arms crossed over his knees.
"Naruto-kun," she whispered, he tilted his head toward her, "He'll be fine."
He frowned even more so, "That's not it," he caught Hinata's eyes, "If Kurapika's stronger than us, and he was hurt that much, what's going to happen to us?"
Hinata blushed, "I-"
"Just stay close to Neji and Kakashi," he got up, also pointing a thumb at Ging and Bisky, "Any of those guys too."
Kurapika stirred not an hour after fainting.
Sakura held his hand, exclaiming how she thought he would die.
Kurapika examined what had been done to him, his stomach was now bandaged, and his right wrist was set now. He felt his swollen cheek, and then noticed how he could hardly see out of his left eye. He felt his emotions rise.
Gon saw Kurapika's eyes flash a blood red, quietly placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.
The blond found Gon's concerned eyes. He took a breath, and calmed down.
Killua roamed the surrounding area, nearly tripping over one of Kakashi's lazy dogs.
Ging sat by an oak tree at the edge, only to quirk a smile as Killua glared at him as he tread by.
Kurapika sighed at the sight of himself, grimacing at the sharp pain from his abdomen.
Sakura tried to convince him to lay back, but he would not listen.
"Gon," Kurapika called, the other boy crouched beside him, "I didn't find their hideout, I was so close..."
"What now?" Bisky practically yelled, she placed her hands on her hips.
"You were not supposed to find it, you were supposed to just observe them individually," Shikamaru said monotonously.
Kakashi strode by, "You should have been more aware of how powerful they are, Kurapika-San."
He nodded slowly, trying to wiggle the fingers on his injured hand, he gained a small grin, "But I do have important information to discuss."
Sasuke snapped his head, interested now.
Sakura nervously held onto a kunai, stepping into the currently forming circle.
Naruto squeezed in beside Kakashi.
The group was gathered again, waiting for what Kurapika was about to say.
The blond boy's eyes flashed for a second, his smile tightened, then he allowed himself to look at the sky, "It's a lot more complicated that we first thought," he grimaced again, grabbing his shirt, he took a shaky breath, waving Gon away, "Itachi... he's not what you think. At all."
His eyes rolled back, freaking Sakura out, "He's dying!" She shrilled.
Killua shook his head, "No he's not," his voice was tight, "The pain's just too much for him."
Gon let out a breath, scratching his head, "So is Itachi worse than we..?"
Sasuke clenched his hands into fists, "Of course, he's the one that must have done this."
Kakashi grabbed Sasuke's collar, not allowing him to storm off.
Ging rolled his eyes.
"What is it that Kurapika knows?" Wing-San asked, leaving the others to rest their eyes on the injured boy.
He took in a shaky breath again, letting it out slowly.
The wind whirled, shuffling Kurapika's bangs, showcasing his sickly complexion.
Gon furrowed his eyebrows, when Killua spoke, "We told you Kurapika was smart."
Kakashi gave a puzzled look.
Killua smirked, fumbling at Kurapika's shirt, lifting it up, revealing a scroll tucked into the back of his pants.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!
Thanks for reading!
Arigatou gozaimasu!
m(_ _)m

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