Chapter 32

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Everyone goes up stairs and takes a shower. All the girls except Johanna take forever, Kat comes down looking amazing as usual, and behind her is Finnick. Katniss comes down and sits next to me, she cuddles up into my chest and I wrap my arms around her. Madge, Annie and Clove come down a bout 10 minutes later. "Uhhh how long does it take for you girls to have a damn shower!?" Finnick groans "you can't talk, pretty boy" Jo shoots back "well at least I look good" Jo shoots him a death glare "watch it fish boy, wouldn't want the 'perfect' face of yours getting ruined" Finnick's face goes pale and he goes quiet.

"Come on I'm bored let's go to the park" Cato whines, "me and Kat will go down to he bakery and get some food" I reply and walk out the door with Katniss by my side. We start walking down the street when Delly and Lucy walk up, I push Katniss behind me and I feel her grip tighten on my arm. "hey Peeta" Delly purrs and places her hands on my chest, I quickly grab her wrist and push her off me "Delly go away" I say sternly "awww come on Peet I know you want me" she whines and comes closer . I hear a scream and push Delly away, I realise that Katniss isn't holding my arm anymore and spin around. I see Gale and Lucy holding Katniss and just as I lunge for her, Lucy knocks her unconscious "WHAT THE FUCK" I scream, and run towards them. Gale stops and punches me "oh I don't think so bread boy" I stumble back and just catch a glimpse of Gale, Lucy and Delly running off with Katniss around the corner. I chase after them until I can't see them anymore, "No Katniss!" I scream.

I run back to Annie's and bash on the door "God Peeta calm dow- WHAT HAPPENED" Annie squeals "can't. explain. Gale. Katniss. Kidnapped. Lucy. Delly" I yell at her, her face looses colour and soon everyone is at the door "WE HAVE TO FIND HER!!" I yell "Peeta calm down" Annie tries to soothe me but nothing can calm me down now, I finally calm down enough to speak. I tell them everything and Cato calls the police while I take them back to where I last saw Katniss. There s blood on the footpath and I break down. "It's my fault" I start sobbing "Peeta it isn't your fault" Cato says "yes it is, if I didn't react to Delly I would have been able to keep Katniss safe but I'm so selfish and only thought of myself" "no Peeta you couldn't have know" he tries again "No all I know is that we have to find her"


I wake up and I'm locked in a small cold concrete room, my arms and legs are tied together and I don't have any of my valuables with me, the door opens and Lucy walks in. She has a smirk on her face "w-where a-am I" I stutter "that's classified information" she smirks and flicks her light brown hair. "Please Lucy what have I ever done to you" I say. She walks over and kicks me in the stomach winding me "I have never liked you Everdeen, having the boys liking you, ignoring me and Delly, dating Peeta" she spits at me "please just let me go!" I plead "no you are going to suffer for what you have done" she says leaving "I HAVNT DONE ANYTHING" I yell before she shuts the door. I push my self up into a sitting position and begin to cry, 'why does this have to happen to me' I shot up when I hear a door open, Gale walks in with a short man with white hair and a rose in his lapel "hello miss Everdeen" he says, his breath stinks like blood and rose it makes me gag "who are you" I ask "snow, Coriolanus Snow" he answers "why am I here?" "That's for me and me only to know" he says and leaves. My brain is rattling. Who is he. Why did he kidnap me. How does he know me.

Flash black

"Dad" I call out and run up to him, he envelopes me in a hug. "Katniss we'd better get back other wise mum and Prim will get worried" he says breaking away "ok" we begin to walk down the street until we get to our street "be careful when you cross the road Katniss" my father warns "I know" we begin to cross the road when a shiny black car comes speeding down the street "DAD" I scream but it's too late the car swerves to the side hitting him "DAD, DADDY" I scream and run over to him, I look at the car and see it has stopped "help anyone!" I yell, I small man with white hair gets out of the car. He takes a few steps as if to inspect what has happened and speeds off down the road.

That man was Coriolanus Snow

End flash black

THAT WAS HIM! I yell to my self Snow is the man who killed my father.


I stay up every night worrying about Katniss, after about 4 hours of tossing and turning I decide to go out and search for her some more. I put on a scarf and boots and bring a torch, I walk back to where Lucy ambushed me and begin to search. The police called off the search a day ago, I turn around the corner and keep going until I get to a cross path. Left or Right? I walk about 5 meters into the right path and see that it leads to a children's park. I walk back and check the left path, I walk about 5 meters and see the woods and on old abandoned stone house, left it is. I walk up to the house and hear a commotion inside. "Why don't you just kill her now?" The voice says "no we can't kill her!" Another one says "quiet! We keep her here as long as I want her here" another voice snaps "yes snow" the voices say. Snow... Wait Snow the old president of Panem? I look up and there he is, his hair is as white as ever and his big puffy lips look disgusting, I run around the back to a window. I peek through it and see Katniss with her hands and legs tied up on the cold stone floor. I gasp and tap lightly on the window

At first she doesn't hear so I tap a little louder. She looks up and gasps, she covers her mouth with her hand and waves at me, at first I'm confused and then I hear the door open and close. I dive into a bush and see who comes out. "I don't really want to kill her" Delly says walking around the corner "well she stole your man and is a bitch to us" Lucy shrugs "but she doesn't deserve to die!" Delly yells "ok ok your right" They lean up against the wall "we should make a run for it" Lucy whispers "snow hasn't given us anything and it's been a week and a half since we got her" "yeah I think your right, tonight after dinner we make a run for it" Delly says "but what about Katniss" Lucy says "we just have to hope and wait and see" Delly says glumly "you know I do hate her guts but I don't think she deserves to die" then it goes silent, I peek my head through the bushes and see that it's clear. I hear the door close and then lock and run up to the window, I look inside and see Gale holding a whip.

I can't bare to watch or hear, I crawl up into a ball and start rocking back and forth. I hear Katniss scream and the sound of the whip. This goes on for about 10 minutes and then I don't hear it anymore, "Gale why are doing this to me" Katniss whimpers "shut up, I have loved you ever since we were 11 and we went hunting but you ignored me ever since you met Annie and her gang" he snaps at her "Gale I moved away from you because you were to possessive and controlling" it goes quiet so is look up. I see Gale turn around and punch Katniss in the face, she falls back down onto the ground unconscious "NO!" I scream and run to the door of the house.

I see a man in all white guarding the door. He doesn't see me until I have punched him in the face, he stumbles out of the way and I push him into a bush to give me some time. I burst through the door and she Lucy and Delly sitting on a couch with Snow on the other "WHERE IS SHE!" I yell at them, snow has a evil smile on his face "who may I ask" "KATNISS" I yell "you mean Katniss Everdeen?" "Yes please let her go!" I plead "do you wish to see her?" He asks "yes yes please just let her go" I plead "be careful what you wish for Mr Mellark" he says and the world goes black.

(A/N: Sorry a bit of changing between characters but there won't be as much in the next chapter)

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