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I’m falling for your eyes but they don’t know me yet


With rapid movements, Desiree arrived at the other side of the street where the beaten boy was still lying motionless on the cold concrete.  

 “I will help you, don’t worry everything will be fine.’’ Desiree told him as she grabbed his cold hand in hers to search for a pulse, which she thankfully found. She pulled back his messy hair from his face to look for any bruises or cuts that he could have, aside from his bleeding nose.    

“Desiree step away from the boy!’’ Her father yelled from behind her and she obeyed immediately because she knew that her father could help him more than she ever could. “Go tell your mother to get out the medical kit and some blankets, quickly!’’ Her father told her with a panicked voice as he picked up the boy in his arms with some difficulty.    

She ran as fast as she could back to her home and she immediately told her mother what her father had told her to, she didn’t ask any questions and did exactly what her daughter told her to. When her husband walked into the living room with a beaten stranger in his arms, her cinnamon eyes widened and she immediately got to work after he laid him down on their beige sofa.   

Desiree stood frozen next to the door way with her sister behind her as they watched their parents trying their best to help the boy.    

“Is he going to be ok?’’ Alice asked her older sister in a barely above whisper.  

  “I hope so Al, I hope so,’’ Her sister answered as she looked at the lifeless body laying on the sofa while her parents talked in loud voices together.      


After what felt like forever, Desiree’s mother let out a sigh of relief as the boy who was looking much better now, had his body covered with bandages and butterfly stitches when his eyes fluttered open. He had the most beautiful green eyes that Desiree had ever saw, although they were bloodshot now. He had a little colour in his face and she noticed that he was actually quite good looking and could see a swirl of black ink peeping from his blue sweater which was dotted with blood.    

“Where the hell am I?’’ He asked as he tried to get up in a sitting position but laid back down as he felt a sharp pain on his ribs.    

“I saw you getting beaten up and I came out to help you when I saw you lying motionless,’’ Desiree spoke softly as she took a step forward.    

He hadn’t noticed her standing near the doorway so he turned around as best as he could to see who his saviour was. His eyes widened a little when she saw her standing there in her pink pyjamas and her brown hair tied up in a messy bun, she looked so innocent and young although she must have been the same age as him.    

“I’m Desiree,’’ She told him as she stood frozen on the spot, she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do in situations like these...    

“I’m Elliot. Thank you for saving me, I owe you big time,’’ He told her with a grin as her cheeks turned red.    

“The pleasure is all mine and you don’t owe me anything,’’ She told him with a small smile which he returned.    

He was going to say something but her mother cut in.    

“Would you like some tea Elliot, I’m positive that it will make you feel better,” Her mother told him sweetly. “Thanks but no thanks, I have to head back home bec-”    

“Don’t be silly, you can barely sit! You will stay the night here under observation and you can go tomorrow if we see that everything is alright,’’ She told him with a kind smile.    

“Thanks, Mrs...?’’    

“Mrs Lock, but you can call me Amber and this is my husband, Rupert,’’ She introduced herself and her husband.    

“Thank you Amber and Rupert for your invitation and for helping me, especially you Desiree,’’ He thanked them as he turned around to look at Desiree for one more time as she gave him a shy smile. He couldn’t help but think that there was something different about her than all the other girls.    

“It’s our pleasure, now do you take sugar in your tea?’’ She asked him once again, she couldn’t wait to take a cup of tea herself because she was quite tired and tea always relieved her.    

“I would prefer coffee if that’s no problem and I take one teaspoon sugar, thanks.’’ He told her with a smile.    

“Are you sure that you don’t want tea, it’s much better than coffee and will make you feel better,’’ Amber tried to change his mind.    

“Amber he said that he prefers coffee, it doesn’t mean that because you like tea better everyone likes it as well,’’ Her husband told her, who he himself preferred coffee. His wife didn’t say anything as she let out a sigh of defeat before she rushed to the kitchen after asking her daughters if they wanted a cup. She was soon followed by her husband and younger daughter who claimed that they were tired, which left Desiree standing awkwardly with Elliot.    

“I’m going to bed, sweet dreams and if you need anything my bedroom is in the opposite room,’’ She told him shyly after she had contemplated on what she should do.  

  “Sweet dreams Desiree and thanks once again for saving me, see you in the morning,’’ He told her with a smile as he blew her a kiss and winked which made her blush even more as she gave him a shaky wave and disappeared into her bedroom.   

Five minutes later Amber walked back into the living room with two steaming mugs of tea and coffee. “Where did Desiree go?’’ She asked him as she handed him his coffee when she saw that her daughter was nowhere in sight.    

“She went to sleep, you should be very proud of your daughter,  she’s a good person,’’ He said as he took a sip from his coffee while Amber tried to hide her look of disgust.    

“I know, I should be very proud of her.’’

a/n: I'm really sorry that I took so long to upload this chapter, I hope you forgive me. If you want a dedication just leave a comment. x

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