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❝Just when you think it can't get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can't get any better, it can

After Desiree had finished having dessert with her family and Noah, she went upstairs with him close behind her. He had told her that he wanted to talk to her about something important in private.

When they walked into her bedroom she closed  the door behind her and sat down next to Noah on the bed who was playing with his hands, he always did that when he was nervous.

''So, what do you want to talk about?'' Desiree asked him curiously.

He didn't answer her, instead he kept avoiding her gaze and looking down at his hands.

''Noah, if something is wrong you need to tell me right now.'' She told him as she moved closer to him and took one of his hands in her.

''Do you like him?'' He asked her quietly.

''What?'' She asked him because she wasn't sure that she had heard him right.

''I asked you if you like him, that... that punk! Desiree you shouldn't be hanging around with people like him I thought that you knew better!'' He yelled as he got up from the bed and stood in-front of her to have control over the situation.

''What are you talking about, I just met Elliot! You are making a fuss over nothing, as usual'' She added the last part in a hurry, hoping that he wouldn't hear it.

''I'm not making a fuss over nothing Desiree! I'm trying to protect you from that rouge and people like him!'' He continued yelling at her. 

Desiree couldn't stand him yelling at her like that and she got up from her bed and faced him.

''How can you judge a person without knowing them! Get out of my house, I am so mad right now!'' She yelled as she grabbed a pillow from her bed and threw it against the wall.

Noah looked surprised at her, she had never acted like that before in the seven years that he had knew her. At that moment she wasn't the sweet lovable girl that he loved, instead she was a furious girl. Maybe she was right, maybe he was overreacting. 

He went behind her and took the pillow from her hand before she threw it against the wall. She turned around to face him with a frown on her face.

''I am so sorry, I was wrong to judge a person before I even knew him and I'm sorry that I overreacted and thought that you liked him. Please, forgive me.'' He told her in a sincere voice as he looked down at her, pleading with his warm brown eyes to forgive him. 

She let out a sigh and looked up at him.

''I forgive you, I just over reacted as-well, I shouldn't have acted like that.'' She told him as she met his eyes.

''It's fine Des, it was my fault in the first place.'' He told her as he lowered his face to be at eye level with her and before she knew it their lips touched.

It was a kiss like no other that they had shared before, it was sweet yet comforting and for the first time in seven years Desiree felt a faint flutter of butterflies in her stomach. He pulled away and leaned his forehead against hers, he smiled a sweet smile making him more adorable than he already was.

After a few moments of them just looking into each others eyes Noah had to leave since his mother had left him five text messages and two voice mails asking him where he was at that late hour.

''Goodnight Desiree, sweet dreams'' Noah told her before he leaned for another sweet kiss before he got into his car to drive back home.

''Goodnight Noah, see you next week after work.'' She told him with a smile after they broke the kiss.

''See you then, if you need anything feel free to text me, I love you!'' He told her as he got into his car and waved at her before he drove away, not giving her a chance to answer him.

''I like you too'' She said with a sad smile  as she started to climb the stairs to the front. 

That night before she drifted off into a peaceful sleep she couldn't help but replay the 'date' she and Elliot had had at her favourite cafe and their moment in the bookshop. She knew that there was something special and more powerful than what she had with Noah.

She drifted off to sleep wondering where he was at that late hour and what he was doing...

a/n: Here's a short surprise chapter for you, I hope that you are all doing well. I will be done with my exams next week so expect longer updates then :)

I love to read your comments and receiving votes, they just make my day! 

Question for this chapter: With whom do you picture Desiree and why? 

Have a nice day xx

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