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She is the queen of her life and the choice is hers.

As they were walking in the streets together people gave them odd looks, but they couldn’t blame them. It was a peculiar sight to see a teenage girl with blood shot eyes wearing a hoodie which obviously didn’t belong to her, and a guy wearing all black who had a rough appearance thanks to his tattoos and American flag bandana.

The October weather was quite cold and everything looked grey, with some splashes of gold and brown in the leaves which decorated the streets. October was one of Desiree’s favourite months since it was the month when Halloween was celebrated.

‘’We’re here!’’ Elliot said when they stopped in front of a café, the café. Old Theatre café, where she had countless of memories with her grandmother and the first time where she and Elliot had hung out.

She took a deep breath and walked through the door which Elliot held open for her like a gentleman. Desiree was instantly greeted with the smell of freshly brewed coffee and pastries. It smelled like heaven, like a safe place.

They made their way towards the table they had sat in the first time and scanned the menu.

‘’Have you decided what you want to order?’’ Elliot asked her to break the silence which had fell upon then.

‘’Yes, I’ll have the red velvet cupcake and a large cup of black coffee with no sugar, please.’’ She told him with a small smile.

‘’How come you’re not having a cup of tea?’’ He asked her a little curious. In the short time that he had known her she had always drank tea.

‘’I want my drink to be like my mood, dark and a little bitter.’’ She told him.

He let out a little laugh at this and grabbed her hand. ‘’Desiree I promise you that what you’re feeling now will pass, everything does. I remember how I felt when I lost my grandpa, but now I only feel happiness when I think of him. I remember him full of life, always happy and telling me stories on the porch, and I thank whoever is up there that he gave him a long life.’’

Desiree nodded her head as she took all of it in, Elliot was right. She should just thank the Lord that her Grandma had a wonderful and happy life, and just remember the nice memories that they had together.

‘’You’re right Elliot, I’ll try to remember her as her happy self and try to move on, she never liked to see me sad.’’ She told him with a smile as she gave a small squeeze to his hand.

‘’That’s my girl. Now do you still want to order black coffee?’’ He asked her as he got up from his chair.

‘’No, I’ll have my normal cup of tea, please.’’ She told him with a grin, which he returned, and kissed the top of her head before he left to order. It was good to see her smile again.

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