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Gummy bears or gummy worms? That is the question.

"What's the difference, Ryo-chan?" Zu-chan asked the blonde haired girl.

Gummy bears of gummy worms?

Ryoko was taken aback by his unexpected question. "Well first they have different shapes and sizes. And well second they have different flavors."

"Yeah but why don't you just get both?" Midoriya asks.

Ryoko puts her head down in shame. "I don't have enough money..."

Gummy bears or gummy worms? One of the most difficult questions in the world.

"Look you buy one and I'll buy the other one for you. Sound good?" The green haired boy compromised.

Her eyes light up. "Ok."

"So which one are you going to buy?" He asks her.

Gummy bears or gummy worms?

Soon enough she eventually chose.

She chose sour gummy worms and her childhood buddy bought her the regular gummy bears.

She eats them like there's no tomorrow.

"Is that your lunch?" Zu-chan asks her.

She nods and sits down at a cafeteria table, he does the same.

"Oi, Ryo-chan! I need an explanation about earlier!"

"Hello Kacchan." Ryoko greets him.

"Explanation now!" He yells at the blonde haired female.

"They wanted to know my quirk, so I showed them. You wouldn't want me to kiss anybody else, now would you?" Ryoko stated popping another gummy worm in her mouth.

She, once again, caught him off guard. He was left speechless.

"What about if I kissed Zu-chan?" Ryoko pulled Midoriya  closer to her. Their faces mere centimeters apart.

Those centimeters turned into  millimeters. Then Katsuki grabbed Ryoko's arm and dragged her from Midoriya, and out of the cafeteria.

"What now?" She asks Katsuki, exhausted.

"Nothing." And with saying that he left her in the hallway all alone.

"Ryo-chan." The adorable green haired boy called to her. "Class is about to start." She noticed a blush still on the boy's face. I guess she shouldn't be surprised. She was about to kiss him.

Ryoko was a beautiful girl for her age. Light blonde hair, deep purple eyes, fair skin. She was gorgeous and she didn't really care about her looks.

It never even crossed her mind.

They soon made it to class. "Take your seats young ones." None other than All Might says. "Today were going to play dodge ball."

"Eh?" The whole class is shocked.

"But before that, young Ryoko. What is your quirk?"

She stands up and brushes her skirt off. "Thief's Kiss."

"Oh and what does that do young Ryoko?"

"Well I kiss someone and get part of their quirk. It's not as powerful as the original though. So far I have about 50 different quirks, including Kacchan's."

The whole class stares at Katsuki remembering today's earlier events.

"That's a powerful quirk! Your costumes are optional." Everyone put on their costumes. Ryoko's was a full body, skin tight jumpsuit. "Well ok then... lets get going to the gym!"

"Let's pick teams. We need two captains." All Might explains.

Everyone raises their hand to be captain except Ryoko. She didn't really care.

"Iida and... Iida you choose." He says.

"Hmm... Midoriya." He picks.

"Huh what?" The green haired boy freaks out.

"Alright pick your teams."

Somehow Ryoko is against both of her childhood friends. Iida chose her first.

All Might said they were allowed to use their quirks. Some people sat out one was a boy with half white hair and the other half red.

It came down to two against one. Iida and Ryoko vs. Katsuki.

Katsuki throws a red ball towards Iida but he wasn't paying attention. He was talking to All Might about some of the rules.

"Iida-kun the ball." Ryoko says quietly.

"Huh." He jumped out of the way but his arm was nicked by the ball.

"Young Iida you're out!" All might calls.

Now it's just the two childhood friends that are pitted against each other.

Katsuki has the ball. Half of the class is cheering for him and the other cheering for her. Midoriya didn't know who to cheer for so he stayed quiet.

Without warning Katsuki throw the ball at Ryoko with his quirk to give it a boost.

Ryoko used a super jump that she had taken. Thank goodness the gym ceilings are high or else she would've gotten knocked out.

The whole class oohed and awed.

She came down really fast when she turned her whole body to metal. She released that just before she hit the ground. She didn't want to be vulnerable while in the air.

Ryoko now has the ball. She used Kacchan's ability.

He moved to the side but the ball followed him due to another ability of hers. It hits him square in the chest and falls to the ground.

"Young Katsuki you're out!"

Ryoko turns to the red eyed boy and mouths. "I win~"

A Thief's Kiss || Izuku Midoriya (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now