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Ryoko left the school grounds and found herself at a nearby park.

She kicked up some grass and screamed as loud as her vocal cords can handle.

She vented some more earning looks from passerby's.

Her voice was hoarse and her throat hurt like hell. She fell to her knees and brought her hands up to her face and muttered a few words.

"They're gonna be dead. I'm gonna kill' em!" She screamed the last part.

After a few more hours of kicking up grass, and yelling profanities. She cooled down.

She couldn't talk anymore it would probably be like that for a couple of days.

She swung in swing.

Schools already out, she's been at that park for a while now.

She thought about things like it was a lie, what is she going to cook for dinner.

Ryoko didn't want to go back to HQ.

It would just complicate things, even further.

But she didn't have anywhere else to go. Maybe she'll just sleep under the parks bench. She didn't have a problem with that.

"Ryo-chan? Is that you?"

She turned around to find a freckled, green haired boy.

She waved at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked running up to her.

She shook her head.

"Don't you have to go home?" He asked.

She shook her head once again and kneeled down. In the dirt she wrote:

I don't want to go home.

"Whys that Ryo-chan?"

She looked away from him.

"Ok then... well do you want to come over to my house?"

Her eyes lit up and she nodded furiously.

He chuckled. "Well let's go." He started walking and Ryoko followed.

On their trip to Midoriya's house he told her what she missed in each of the classes. She thought it was sweet of him to do so.

"I'm home." Midoriya said walking inside his house. Ryoko followed.

"Izuku welcome home! Who's this? Is she your girlfriend?" His mother asks.

Somehow Ryoko knew she was going to say that. Every time, when they were younger, Ryoko went over to Midoriya's house she would ask that, and it would embarrass them. That's most likely why she did it, she found it cute.

"Ah no mom. This is Ryo-chan."

"Ryo-chan? As in Ryoko Takahara?" She asks the blonde.

Ryoko nods.

Midoriya's mother globs Ryoko into a hug. "Oh how I've missed you!" She lets her go. "You're staying for dinner?" Ryoko nods her head. "Oh I'll go make dinner now!"

She scurries off to the kitchen.

"Sorry about her..." He says scratching the back of his neck.

Ryoko frantically shook her head and her hands back a forth.

"Well what do you want to do Ryo-chan?" He asked turning to her.

She shrugs her shoulders.

"Well let's go to my room till dinners ready."

She nods her head.

His room seems the same to Ryoko, she didn't bother memorizing the place.

She hopped on his bed and him in a desk chair.

"So why aren't you talking?" He asked swiveling in his chair.

She tried to speak, and it sounds airy, whispery, and a gurgle at the end. She shut her mouth and pointed to her throat.

"Ah I get it here." He hands her a tablet of paper and a pen. "You can write on this."

She took it and wrote:

Thank you.

He gave her a closed eye smile.

"Izuku! Ryoko! Dinner time!" His mom yells to them.

Let's go! She writes.

He nods and they both dark off to the kitchen.


"Thank you for the food!" Midoriya says.

Ryoko just clasps her hands together and bows her head.

"Mom let me help you clean up." He says.

"No, no, no. You have a guest, go and spend some time with her." She says nudging his shoulder.

Ryoko stands up and scribbles something down. Do you mind if I spend the night?

"Stay as long as you like!" She says excitedly. "After cleaning up I'll go clean up the spare bedroom."

She nods.

Ryoko and Midoriya spent the evening catching and talking about the little things.

"Why didn't you come back to class?" He asks her out of the blue.

She looks away remembering that little note.

I'm going to bed. See ya Zu-chan. She writes and walks out of his bedroom.

She goes to the spare bedroom and shuts the door. She leans against it and shrinks down.

That note. That note. It was one little sentence that made her go ballistic.

That note. That one little note. It said. It was just a question, but whoever wrote

I know who killed your parents    Ryoko-chan...

She scrunched that note in her pocket.

A Thief's Kiss || Izuku Midoriya (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now