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"What a first day a hero school." Ryoko sighed to herself.

"Ah Ryoko you're back."

"Yes Master Akihiko." She said bowing to the boy. Two bodyguards on each side of him.

Akihiko was the same age as Ryoko, 15 or so. He held so much power, because he had connections... and she would be killed if she denied him by his baodyguards. Akihiko always had a soft spot for Ryoko, he let her get away with things. Ryoko could escape anytime, but she doesn't. She stays. She feels like she belongs there with Akihiko and his men.

Akihiko ruffles his black hair with his hand. "Ryoko make dinner."

"Yes sir." She says standing up. She can feel him staring her down with his emerald green eyes.

She admired him and she'll always stay by his side no matter the cost.

After dinner she headed to her room. Ryoko plopped down on her bed and brought her hands up to her forehead.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in." She said quietly.

"Hey it me."


"Sorry about being like that back there." He scratches the back of his neck. "Gotta keep up the act, right?"

Akihiko was a completely different person when he's with Ryoko. He's doing all this for her to find her parents killer. But in order to do that they both became villains. Ryoko despised heroes, where's a hero when you need them? None of them came to save her parents when they were being murdered. Ryoko, with every fiber of her being, despised them, hated them.

You know how hard it is for her to go to a heroes school? Difficult. So difficult for her not to tear apart every last one of them.

"Yeah I guess so..." She says avoiding his gaze. "I appreciate you doing this."

Akihiko shuts the door. "No need to thank me. We both agreed to do this. Yeah?" He slightly smiles towards her.

"Yeah." She stands up and goes over to him. She wraps her hands around his neck and brings him closer to her. He takes his arms and rests them around her waist, he nuzzles her neck.

"Is heroes school that hard for you?" He mumbles into her neck.

She nods. "Help me..."

"How about I come there with you tomorrow, I'll be another transfer." He says quietly.

"Please..." They stay in that position for a while.

"Ryoko if you're ever in trouble I want you to use my power."

She takes a little step back. "What?"

He moves towards her. He catches her by surprised when he presses his lip against hers. Her eyes widen but soon falter and she melts into their kiss.

Lips against lips. They soon deepen the kiss. He asks for permission as he licks the bottom her lip. She grants access.

Ryoko's never has had a kiss like this before.

And she liked it.

They parted for air. Ryoko slightly breathing heavy but Akihiko just leaves the room leaving her to her thoughts.

"Maybe I'll try that type of kiss next time." She says quietly to herself, not fazed by the previous events.

She goes to the shower and sheds her clothing onto the floor, she steps into the warmness. With water running down her face, the water engulfs her. Cleansing her. Washing away all of her worries.

After putting on Akihiko's shirt as pajamas, she climbs into bed.

And she thinks.

She never knew what power he had but it was powerful. Scary even. When they kissed she felt a strange sensation within her body not like when she kissed Katsuki. She didn't like it. She didn't want to use his power.

It scared her.

And Ryoko doesn't scare easily.

She wondered what it was but didn't want to use. It's conflicting.

She thought about what her future would be like.

And what she imagined.

Let's just say she wasn't looking toward to it.

But it's the future. Things change.


A Thief's Kiss || Izuku Midoriya (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now