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A little five year old girl runs down the bank of the river, with wind in her hair, she feels invincible.

A little boy with green hair, is chasing the little girl. He sees her smile, her shining eyes, he never wants her to frown again. He'll do anything to keep her smile. If she doesn't have a hero, he'll be her hero, and no ones going to stop him.

"Hurry up, Zu-chan!" The little girl squeaked.

The green haired boy laughed until he saw the path become a steep hill. "Ryo-chan watch out!" He yelled.

She turned around, "Huh?"

"Ryo-chan!" He yelled as he sprinted as fast as he could to her.

But he wasn't fast enough. She fell down the hill, laying at the base of the hill.

Ryoko was unconscious.

"Ryo-chan!" He yelled making his way down the hill.

He went up to her and noticed she had a big cut up along the side of her shoulder, a little blood was oozing out.

He was panicking. He was just a five year old not a doctor. "Ryo-chan wake up. Wake up!" He yelled at the unconscious girl, he shook her shoulder as tears ran down his face. "Ryo-chan!" He screamed.

"Hey Deku what's wrong?" Another five year old came down with two boys in tow.

"Kacchan." He turned around with tears flowing down his face.

"What happened to Ryo-chan?!" He asked rather loudly. He shoved Midoriya out of the way, and looked at Ryoko's figure.

Midoriya stood up shaking. "I-is she  de-dead?"

Katsuki stood up and walked over to Midoriya. "What happened to her?" He demanded, but before he could answer Katsuki punched him in the face.

"You're supposed to take care of her!" He yelled at him.

Midoriya looked up with frightful eyes. "I-I'm sorry! I-I tr-tried to but I-it was too la-late!"

Katsuki's voice became a whisper. "She's still breathing. Let's take her back to her house."

Midoriya nodded.

The two boys hosted her up on their shoulders and dragged her to her house. Ryoko came to soon before they reached her house.

She groaned. "What happened?"

"Ryo-chan?!" The two boys yelled.

"You two are too loud." She whines.

They both apologize. "Sorry..."

"So what happened? Zu-chan was chasing me and then everything went black."

"You got knocked out when you fell down that hill." Katsuki says.

"Oh." She says. "Well I can walk now. You don't have to carry me anymore."

"Are you sure?" They asked simultaneously.

"Yeah." She nodded.

But Ryoko was in pain. She didn't want to seem weak in front of the boy whom she most admired.

You could say Ryoko had a little crush.

"Deku, go home." Katsuki told his friend.

"But why?" He asked.

Ryoko gave a confused look towards Katsuki.

"You've already done enough damage. I don't want you to hurt Ryo-chan anymore..." He says.

Ryoko wanted to interject but she thought it was best to leave it up to them. She thought she couldn't get involved.

"But—" Midoriya starts.

"Just go you quirkless freak!" He yelled.

Ryoko knew he was stepping over the line here. "Sto—"

"Fine I will go then!" He yells back and runs away from them.

Ryoko whips around to a glaring Katsuki and puches him in the face. "Kacchan you jerk! Baka!" She pick up some dirt and throws it at him.

Her body was sore, it hurt. But she didn't care. She ran as fast as her legs could handle.

She finally made it to her house. "Mom, Dad! I'm ho—" Her house was in shambles. Furniture flipped, drawers open and empty, sinks overflowing with water.

"Don't you dare move!" Ryoko heard a yell from upstairs. "I'll shoot! Don't you fucken' move. You asked for this!" And then she heard a gun shot.

(Sorry for the cussing, that's a one time thing.)

Horror spread over her face, as she dashed upstairs. She tip toes towards an open door.

She peeks inside to find man with a clown mask on. His hand was shaped into a gun. She leaned I more to see the rest of the room. Her eyes widen as a pool of blood comes out from under her father.

She starts to shake and steps backwards. She quietly scurries off into her parents bedroom. As she shuts the door she hears muffled screams from behind her.

It was her mother. She was tied to the bed posts, and a scarf tied around her mouth, so she couldn't speak.

She walks towards her mother, but the door swings open. Ryoko dashes under the bed.

She peers out from under the bed to see a different man. He was taller and had an alligator mask on. "Well if it isn't Mrs. Takahara." He said climbing onto the bed. Her mother tries to escape, struggling against the ropes.

He gets on top of her and rips off her clothes, along with his.

The bed begins to shake above Ryoko along with muffled sounds. Ryoko clamps her hands around ears, she tries to block it out. 

A knock came from the door. "Hurry up. I got all the valuables."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." He says as he pulls on his clothes. He opens the door to greet his partner. "I'm done with her."

The clown nods, and without any hesitation he shoots Ryoko's mother straight in the head.

As soon as the two men went off she scrambled out from under the bed and ran downstairs. They started a fire.

Flames licked up the walls, soon engulfing the living room.

Ryoko ran out the back door and watched as her house burned down in flames.


Ryoko walked down a dirt path without a destination. She didn't have any family left anymore.

A grumble came from her stomach.

"Hungry?" A voice said from behind Ryoko.

She turns around to find a boy with black hair and green eyes. She nods slowly.

He tosses an apple that he was carrying.

"Thank you." She said before biting into the apple.

"The names Akihiko Katsuragi. But you can call me Akihiko."

"Ryoko. Ryoko Takahara."

His eyes widen as she said her last name but soon went back to normal.

The two became good friends. Two five year olds traveling the country. Crazy right? But Ryoko felt that this was right.

She told him about what happened before she left her home town.

"How about we make a promise?" He asked.

"Promise?" She asked.

"Yeah we'll find your parents murderer together and put justice in the world." He said with a serious tone. "Promise?"

"Promise!" She says as they held their pinkies out and linked them together.

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