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"Is she alright?" Midoriya asks, hands shaking, with a quavering voice.  Tears threaten to spill.

The little old lady turns, Recovery Girl, to the green haired boy. "She doesn't have enough stamina for me to help her, so she'll have to make it through this by herself." She said, bowing. "Sorry."

"How long will it take? Is she all right?" He bombards her with questions.

"In the state that she's in..." —she takes a long pause— "well, she's in bad shape. Broken arm and leg, three broken ribs, fracture in her left wrist, severe burn marks, and major loss of blood. The way she's heading, she... might not make it."

Midoriya was frozen. Was he hearing this right? That Ryoko might die? No, no that can't be right, it's Ryoko. Nothing can do that to Ryoko. Not his Ryoko.

This is probably some sick joke. Akihiko must've teamed up with the school to prank them.

Midoriya was in denial.

Nothing can happen to his precious Ryoko. Nothing.

Maybe it was his fault? No it was Akihiko.

IT WAS ALL HIS FAULT! HE DID THIS TO HER! Midoriya was fuming as he stomped out of the nurses office.

Midoriya didn't know what to do and/or think.

He found himself by the riverbank, kicking up some grass.

"Why? Why?!" He yelled at no one in particular.

What was he going to do? He couldn't live without Ryoko. He couldn't even imagine it.

When she left, when they were younger, he thought that it was fine but he couldn't feel like that. He didn't want to. But as time went on he slowly forgot about her and his feeling for her, but it was still somewhere hiding in the corner.

And as he saw her, began to know her again. His feeling were as strong as ever.

And he accepted them.

Now Ryoko is dying, just when something was happening.

She kissed him, for crying out loud! Only on the cheek though. But it was still a kiss!

Midoriya came to a stop as he sneezed.

Was somebody talking about him?

That sneeze snapped him out of his thoughts.

He needed to be there for her! Not groaning and complaining but to be at her side.

He sprinted off towards the school, the sun was rising.

Has it already been that long?

With green hair bouncing with every step he was nearing the school, it was in his sights, as he noticed familiar black hair crawling towards the school, leaving a trail of blood behind.

A Thief's Kiss || Izuku Midoriya (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now