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since troye contacted me on twitter two weeks ago, we've skyped most days and talked everyday without a doubt. i love talking to him and i'm glad that i can call him my best friend. even though we've been talking for a tiny fraction of our lives, i'm 100% me around him and i know he's the same with me.

the only thing coming between us is distance, and that sucks ass. dan, phil, tyler, troye and i have all become so close lately and i wish for nothing more in the world than to be with them all.


con✨: heeeyyyyyy

dan🙄: hello

phil🍍: heyo


con✨: YEAH

ty👑: WOOO on my way

tro💙: hi

dan🙄: ohh u two getting it on? ;) ;)

ty👑: yeah😩😩💦💦💦

con✨: haha ofc

tro💙: 👌🏽


as much as i don't want to admit it, the thought of tyler and connor together makes me quite jealous actually. i know it's pathetic seeing as i'm not even with connor in person never mind dating him.. i just got a weird pang in my stomach when tyler mentioned it.

i want to be there with con right now, not tyler.

@troyesivan: truth is the stars are falling babe


guys yo wtf

i went to sleep with literally 408 reads, 48 votes and 3 comments & now i have almost 600 reads, over 120 votes and 25 comments ????? like that to me is a lot ??? thank u thank u thank u.

i struggled writing this chapter smh i didn't know what to write but i've got it now ;) yall are gona hate me jfc

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