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i was angry at edsta for doing that, but it wasn't really his fault, i mean he didn't exactly know that troye would find it during a heated moment did he? no, so i have cut him some slack here.

troye and i were over the argument and today's the day he performs v fest and i'm so excited for him, seeing as this is one of the biggest audiences he's ever performed in front of.

dan, phil and i were all here to support troye because he's really nervous about this one. we've been travelling round london all morning doing interviews and photo shoots and he's just going to start his meet and greet in about a minute and me and the others will stay here or go and meet some people or something.

"bye baby, see you in an hour." he said pulling me close and kissing me on the lips. "bye trooo have fun!" we broke apart as he turned round waving. "otp." i heard dan say smirking while i blushed furiously, as i always did.

we decided to go to starbucks seeing as we had an hour to kill, but since we're problematic bitches we also decided to go out the front entrance where all of the fans were sat waiting for the gates to open.

we all looked an one another as we realised our mistake and watched everyone start screaming our names and coming towards us. "3,2,1... run!" dan whisper yelled grabbing onto me and phil's hands, pulling us trough the crowd.

we broke into laughter as we ran through the crowds of confused fans and adults and soon the exit was in sight. dan let go of our hands and we leaned against the wall for support, all out of breath from the short run; it's quite clear that none of us exercise enough.

we made our way to starbucks, dan leading the way as me and phil trailed behind having a nice conversation about whatever while he vlogged a 'day in the life' video.

we stopped to take pictures with a few fans that had followed us after we ordered our drinks, me being me i had to take some pictures of the flower pots that were lined up along the pavement beside some trees with fairy lights, so i crouched down pointing my phone directly at the pink and yellow flowers, making sure i got the blurred effect of the fairy lights on the tree behind.

i looked down at my phone and saw a text from someone i never would have expected, and i shook it off and shoved my phone back in my pocket, turning round to dan and phil who were still chatting away to fans.

"uh, sorry to interrupt but we really have to go, we have fifteen minutes and we're twenty minutes away." i said awkwardly coming between dan and the girl he was talking to.

"oh, shit. thanks guys for talking it was lovely meeting you we'll see you another time!" phil said hugging the group one last time before turning round, glancing at dan and i and as if counting to three magically in our heads, we took off running again.

we managed to just make it back in time for troye's meet and greet ending, this time we weren't so stupid as to go in where everyone could see us.

a kind lady showed us to troye's dressing room and we took a seat on the leather couches as i took in the small details of the place; the way a black and white painting of a girl holding a red balloon was slightly crooked, the one ray of sun light coming through the crack in the door, the way some of the carpet was a little bit faded because of old age and use.

i smiled to myself, thinking yet again how lucky i was to be here with my favourite person in the world, doing what we both love.

soon enough, troye came back from the meet and greet looking as beautiful and as happy as ever and i greeted him with a hug, pulling him by the hand over to the couch i was sitting on before.

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