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"can we go yet?" i moaned, pulling on tylers arm. "yeah i ordered the uber anyway so it'll be here any minute."

with that we all headed outside to wait for the uber, all having our own little conversations. ever since troye came, it's been better; i've been so much happier, i don't think i've thought about any of my worries at all, and i haven't broke down in tears over nothing. he makes everything better, honestly.

finally, the uber came and we piled in, dan in the front, and us 4 squeezing into the back. ty gave the driver the name of the club we planned on going to, and he began to drive.

troye laid his head on my shoulder and i looked down grinning at him, "jet lag got you?" i laughed playing with his hair. "mhm." he nodded smiling softly. "well wake up, we're going to party!" phil shouted as the car pulled up outside the club.

we held our heads down just in case anyone saw us going in, flashed the bouncer our id's and headed inside.

the music was loud, and everyone danced around us, or grinded against their partners to the beat of the music.

we made our way to a booth at the side of the building and sat down. "who's up for shots?" tyler shouted over the music. we all nodded in response, and began to have small talk - well shout.

he returned with the drinks and sat the tray down in the middle of the table, sliding into his seat. "okay, let's see how many you can take." he said to dan, pouring a bottle of some alcoholic beverage into 10 shot cups.

"1,2,3, go!" tyler said throwing his head back laughing. we watched as dan drank 4 out of the 10 and clapped for him. "your turn, troye." dan said, already tipsy.

i heard him groaning beside me, and i chuckled, helping pour the shots. "3,2,1, go!" i shouted, watching as he took 7 down before slouching down on the leather couch.

"i want to dance." tyler said, getting up and walking over to some boys and already chatting away to them. dan and phil stayed in their seats drinking some pink coloured alcohol as me and troye got up to dance as well.

neither of us could dance for shit, so to us this was just a big laugh. we moved our bodies along to the beat of the music, and every time our eyes met, i blushed so red and pulled my eyes away from his.

we kept dancing for about half an hour before we returned to the booth where dan and phil were still sitting, and tyler had brought a boy back.

i saw troye yawning out of the corner of my eye and i decided to text him seeing as there was no point in shouting over the loud music.

con✨: heyy, you look tired do you wanna head back to ty's? im tired too, this isn't really my scene haha

tro💙: yes please lmao lets gooooo

"hey, guys, me and troye are going to head home. his jet lags catching up on him." i said waving as they all nodded and waved.

i grabbed troyes hand to pull him through the crowd of dancing bodies with me, and i looked back and saw him smiling at the ground. i smiled to myself as we finally made it out of the crowd.

"do you want to call an uber or do  you want to walk?" i asked him. "let's walk, this place is pretty and i like the sunset." he shrugged his shoulders.

i nodded and we began to walk down the pavements in a comfortable silence. "troye?"

"yeah?" we kept on walking. "i'm really glad you came. i don't think it would've been the same without you, and i'm happy right now, and-" "i'm glad i came too, con." he smiled over at me.

i took his hand in mine again and i felt him looking at me so i looked in the opposite direction. "you're blushing." he giggled, poking my cheek. "no i'm not, it's the glow off of that streetlight!" i said hiding my face with my other arm. "con, baby, the streetlights aren't even on." he threw his head back laughing softly.

tylers house came into sight and we made our way across the road and into his front garden. i unlocked the door with the key he had given us all and we went inside, closing the door behind us.

"are you going to bed or do you want to watch something or?" i asked him, hanging up my jacket on the pegs.

"neither of those, but uh, i'd like to do this?" he trailed off, moving closer towards me, looking into my eyes the whole time.

for once i didn't blush, and i closed my eyes as he wrapped his arms around my neck. i ran my hands through his hair, and our lips connected.

i'd never felt anything like it, there was sparks and there was butterflies and everything about it was perfect.

all of the questions i had were gone, and i was 100% sure that i liked troye sivan mellet.

we pulled away and troye looked me in the eye again. "night, baby."



i just fell off my bed lol


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