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it's been two days since the collabs went live and apparently the fans are going a bit crazy. all that's in my mentions is 'tronnor' or 'troyler' and i laugh it off with them.

i only have four days left here, and honestly i don't want it to end. connor and i have been closer than ever, and people are starting to notice. i went with him to his meetings, and he came with me to mine, we did everything together because no way in hell am i wasting any second of my time with this boy.

jacob keeps trying to text me, but i tell him to leave because i've seen the real him, and i know that he is definitely someone i want to stay away from, everyone else thinks so too.

it's currently 9am and im still laying in bed with connor, scrolling through feeds of various apps, laughing at memes and other dumb shit like that.

con✨: hi i don't want to talk bc my voice will crack bc i just woke up but pls hug me im cold

tro💙: u make me laugh, come here then

tro💙: and don't worry. ur morning voice is sexy

i shut my phone off and turned on to my side, wrapping my arms around cons shirtless body, closing my eyes and listening to his breathing. it's no secret that i like this boy. like, really like him.

"aw look at you love bugs. sorry to ruin the moment but we have things to do. tylers taking us out for breakfast and then we're going on a tour of la apparently." dan said, not even knocking before he walked in.

"k" i muttered back.

"i suppose we better get up then." connor laughed, trying to get out of my grasp. "no, i'm comfy." i moaned, pulling him closer. "ugh."

we finally got up and left the bed, after taking numerous selfies which, in my opinion, are the cutest things ever.

"hey, con since im a lazy shit can you help me choose what to wear? i don't know wether to wear the denim jacket or the pink jumper, you choose thanks." i held both of the items in front of his face. "uhh, the denim jacket. it goes better with your shoes." he shrugged pulling it off of the coat hanger and helping me slip it on.

we headed downstairs to where everyone else was, and got ready to head out. we decided on going to denny's because their pancakes are supposed to be amazing. (disclaimer idk shit about dennys and if u go there and ur ass gets poisoned by their pancakes don't blame me))

we piled out of the house and into the uber and soon arrived at the restaurant. we were seated and, as usual, me and con sat on one side, tyler sat at the head of the table and dan and phil sat together.

we all ordered what we wanted and made small talk with each other while we waited on our food arriving at our table.

i'm pretty sure i heard dan saying something to phil about banging then correcting himself by saying hanging. but that's none of my business.

i watched as connor took pictures of his surroundings, capturing every moment perfectly; i admired him for this, for being able to stand up and take a picture of what he wants when he wants, and for them always turning out perfectly amazing.

soon, our food arrived and we all tucked in, the chatter still going back and forth amongst us. i was loving every moment of this, i was spending it with my best friends and nothing could ruin my happiness right now, it was perfect.

3 hours later (idfk ok)

for the last few hours, we'd been travelling round the beautiful los angeles, taking cliche tourist pictures and failing. well all except connor, of course as he is as we say, the king of photography.

dan, phil and tyler had gone off to another coffee shop whilst me and con had stayed sitting on a bench at the top of a hill, with a beautiful view.

"con?" "mhm?" "you know the other night, when uh, when you know you started to tell me something? what was it?" i asked playing with my hands.

"oh! nothing, it was just stupid, don't worry about it." he laughed.

@troyesivan: hopes up for nothing


this is a mess but it's 3am and i typed it with one eye closed bc im so tired so ur welcome anyway

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