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lately connor had been claiming to be busy with his common culture and his other jobs, like modelling or working in the cafe round the corner from his house, but i'm not buying it anymore. it's obvious that he's spending time with edsta, it's all over twitter and i'm not stupid.

@troyesivan: @jacobbix hey lets hang out

i'm so over this edsta shit, if con isn't going to pay attention to me then i won't give him attention.

jacob❣: long time no talk

tro💙: miss u

tro💙: u doin anythin tonight??

jacob❣: nope

tro💙: well u are now. meet me at my place at 7 :)))

jacob❣: ok ? :-)

done. this might be a bit too far but honestly i don't care right now, connor can do one. he knows what he's doing, he knows how much i wish i could be with him in person but he's hanging round with edsta, this model that could easily take my place, and i'm sick of it.

dan💦: yoo wtf? jacob?

tro💙: yes.

dan💦: what's up with you???

tro💙: nothing daniel leave it

dan💦: don't daniel me, that's bullying now tell me what's wrong

dan💦: wait i know

dan💦: it's that eddie guy isn't it

tro💙: oh WOW you got me!!!!!

dan💦: babe he has nothing on u seriously don't worry about him

tro💙: con hasn't even properly texted me today

dan💦: :/ have u spoke to him about it??

tro💙: i don't want him to get mad

dan💦: just talk to him, it'll be fine xx

in a way, i guess dan was right and i probably should talk to connor about it just so he knows how i'm feeling. but then again, maybe it is just me being paranoid as usual, and maybe i don't have anything to worry about.

discarding my thoughts, i opened a new message to him and began typing.

tro💙: heyy, how are u? haven't heard from u in a while i know u said ur busy with ur jobs but if ur THAT busy how are u managing to spend this much time with edsta? :/ i mean it's whatever i guess but u haven't even bothered to check in on me or anything, and im always the one starting conversations. if this is the way it's going to be, then why the fuck r we still together?? the least u could do is pretend that u still like me u know.

con🍼: troye i hang with ed cause we work together, nothing else. besides i have next to no one else here anyway, and u live so far away & time difference is coming between us and stuff

tro💙: are u serious?? time difference has never come between us before? oh my god

con🍼: yeah, well we have busy schedules now don't we?

tro💙: im never too busy to talk to my boyfriend !!!!

con🍼: well maybe i am

tro💙: ok are u being 100% serious rn

con🍼: 1000%.

tro💙: dude what the fuck. what are u saying ??

con🍼: im saying that i think that we shouldn't be together

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