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what the fuck. no no no, not this time.

@troyesivan: im not in america. but thanks babe

i groaned in frustration hoping none of my friends had seen the tweet. i checked the time on my phone, and decided it was time to leave to go to tylers.

i didn't need an uber this time because tyler lived like two minutes away from the hotel im staying at.

tro💙: hey guysss what are u all up to

dan🙄: we're on our way back to ty's we just went shopping (: hbu my friend

tro💙: cooool. nothing lmao

shit. i had to go quickly. i dialled korey's number and let it ring for a second before he answered, "troye hurry up they'll be here any minute!" he laughed into the phone.

"shit ok, im running, i can see his house i think. wave at me." i was out of breath. "yeah yeah i see you. ok thank you so much for this im coming bye bye bye!" i said hanging up the phone.

"hey bud, have fun! thank me later." he winked unlocking the door and letting me in. i shook my head laughing as i closed the door behind me.

i quickly decided to hide in the kitchen behind a counter, so i could see them but they couldn't see me.

i made sure my phone was on silent and i smiled to myself. holy shit this is happening.

a few minutes after, i heard the door unlock and my heart race sped up. i heard some shouting and laughing before the living room door opened and all four boys came into sight. i bit my lip to stop myself from laughing as i watched them all sitting down on the different couches.

just as they settled down to watch reruns of Friends, i slowly walked out from my hiding place and made my way to the door, taking a deep breath in. "boo."

a lot of shouting then took place but all i could really make of it was "TROYE AAHHAHJAAHAHVAAHAHBS's" and "OH MY GOD's" and words i didn't know existed.

i was soon tackled to the ground in a heap of boys hugging me. "you little bitch what are you doing here?" tyler said ruffling my hair and hugging me.

i just grinned in return, looking for connor. "con!!!" i shouted, wrapping my arms around the boy. he's even more beautiful in real life, holy shit. we couldn't stop smiling and for a slight minute our eyes met and i began to blush furiously so i let go of his body and turned to dan and phil to hug and greet them.

"this is the best day ever woo!" phil shouted dancing around. "yeah." i giggled.

"pose for a selfie !!!" Tyler shouted as we all turned to look at the phone making ridiculously stupid faces. i put my hands on con's shoulders and rested my head on his neck as i pouted and done a peace sign.

@tyleroakley: !!!!!!! *one attachment*

we decided to go out to a bar that night, but for now we just lay on the couch, dan with phil, me with ty and con sprawled out on the floor.

could this day get any better?

rip troye and tylers friendship

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