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phil🌵: u have to come see us rn

con🍼: we just left the airport this minute

tro💙: ^ we'll see if we can see u guys at some point


phil🌵: 💙💙💙


@troyesivan: hey london are u ready ?!! i am

@danisnotonfire: @troyesivan i was born ready ;)

me and con got a room to share in the hotel, which overlooked a river and most of the city. it only had one bed, but it was double and i don't mind sharing with con- in fact, i kind of love the idea.

we all checked in to our rooms; emma my tour manager, my crew, my brother and family and connor and i.

by now it was 4pm and we were going out for dinner at around 7, so we decided to just lounge around for a bit then explore later. we began to unpack our cases as i quietly sang to myself making small conversation with con at times.

"hey hug me." he said with his arms opening as i raised an eyebrow questioning him but not complaining. i wrapped my arms around his body and took in his scent, as weird as it sounds. he literally smells like strawberry's and cinnamon, it turns me on if i'm honest.

we broke away and just smiled at each other for a minute, and it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable; it was perfect.

i let out a sigh and flopped down onto the bed, "con i'm so glad that i'm here, but i'm even more glad that i'm spending this time with you. it's weird, we haven't even known each other a year and we've already achieved so much together.. i love it, and i love you. so much." i said, looking up at him as he stood beaming.

he jumped onto the bed beside me and hugged me again, and i smiled to myself. we didn't say anything, but the silence was somewhat comforting and in these moments, everything felt right.

i sat up straddling him, placing a few kisses along his jaw and onto his lips, smiling into it. i don't think i've smiled this much for so long, and i'm so grateful for connor for making me like this.

all i could think about right now was how perfect his lips were; so soft, pink, and mine. he's mine, and i plan on it staying that way.

things were getting heated as we kept on kissing and soon our shirts were on the floor again, but neither of us had the intentions of being interrupted this time. somehow, connor ended up on top of me and he pushed me down gently as i felt my head hitting off of the pillows below me as i let him place kisses down my neck to my stomach.

i moaned in pleasure a few times and it felt like i was in heaven, until i noticed a bit of paper sticking out of connor's jeans. "con?" i said letting out a moan as he continued kissing me. "hi, con, what's that?" i sat up, pushing him off of me and grabbing the paper.

he shrugged his shoulders as i unfolded it and furrowed my brows. "uh, who's edsta? isn't that the dude you were sat next to on the plane?" i asked handing him the paper. it had a number written on I and the name edsta with a heart. fuck no.

i pulled my shirt back on and sat with my legs crossed on the bed, my facial expression not changing. "tro, he must've slipped it in my pocket whilst i was asleep, i didn't know. honest. plus, it's not like i was planning on texting him anyway, he's creepy." he said, folding the paper back up and sitting it on the bedside table.

indirects // tronnorWhere stories live. Discover now