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no pov

dan💦: hey fellow beans

dan💦: i have an announcement

con🍼: what's up (:

tro💙: oi oi sexy boys

con🍼: ......... ok

phil🌵: oooooo what

dan💦: phil SHUT UP, you know

phil🌵: i do?

dan💦: guess who has a smoking hot d8 2nite ?? ;));;)) clue: it's me

phil🌵: oh yeah i do

con🍼: wOOOOO

tro💙: use protection

ty🎈: my god everything always happens when im gone but yes queen get in !!!

tro💙: who's the lucky person?? ;) wink wonk

con🍼: did u just

tro💙: i did. don't question it, embrace it

dan💦: it's a secret


dan💦: phil is2g

phil🌵: what did god ever do to u

dan💦: i would punch u if i didn't love u

phil🌵: no homo tho

dan💦: says the guy im going on a date with in an hour

tro💙: WHAT

ty🎈: fINALLY

con🍼: omg

con🍼: omg is this real life omg i kNEW IT

dan💦: pls shush i have a date to get to

phil🌵: ;)



"hey." i said as the FaceTime connected and connor's smiling face popped up on the screen.

"hola." was his response. we made casual conversation and i noticed he had paused something on his tv, "what're you watching?" i asked, adjusting the laptop on my knees and looking at my phone screen.

"oh, nothing." he laughed shutting the tv off. "dude that looked like that guy what's his face, edward?" i laughed uneasily. obviously he'd been watching that guys videos, he's hot as shit and way more entertaining than me.

"yeah it was edsta. he's modelling for my new clothing range i was about to tell you, but you-" three beeps and the FaceTime ended.

tro💙: bad connection talk later.

con🍼: ?? ok

i'm not mad at connor, it's pathetic but honestly did he really have to have someone model when he could just model himself, and that stupid person out of all people? really?

i sighed getting off of my bed, heading down stairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water. connor had been home for two days and i miss him terribly but i just wish he would tell me these things. i do have to admit though, i get jealous over the smallest, stupidest things.

i poured myself some water and headed back to my room to sleep, seeing as it's currently 11pm; no harm in having an early night is there?

i really don't know where this story is going i'm trying so hard to make something exciting happen then end it bc it's dragging out and i had a sequel and everything planned but something changed and now i have 0 ideas and i'm stressing and :(((( sorry guys night

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