he catches you changing

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he catches you changing

Louis: “Katy Perry’s on replay, she’s on replay, DJs got the floor to shake, the floor to shake” you sang along to the blaring music coming from your ipod. You had just finished cleaning your flat top to bottom and decided to grab a shower before Louis came home. You were dancing around your bedroom in your underwear trying to choose what to wear. “Jeans or leggings or a dress, or a dress” you sang along to the beat. You heard a light chuckle from behind you. You turned and saw Louis standing in the door. “Louis!” you shouted and he snapped out of it. “Oh sorry Y/N!” he said before shutting the door. You put on leggings and a cute top and went out. “You decided on leggings, on leggings” Louis sang, teasing you. You smacked his arm and he gave you a kiss.

Niall: You were changing, getting ready to go to an award show with Niall. Niall was changing in your room, so you decided to quickly change in the bathroom. You were just about to step into your dress when you heard the door handle spin. “Niall!” you shouted but it was too late. The door opened and Niall was standing there, jaw on the floor. “I’m.. I’m sorry” he said, still staring. “Well, you’ve seen it so do you mind helping me do up my dress?” you asked. He didn’t move, still staring. “Niall? Earth to Niall” you said smirking. “Oh shit, sorry Y/N. Yeah, here” he said, helping you pull up your dress and put your straps on. “Thanks babe” you smiled and kissed his cheeks. His face reddened and he left the bathroom to wait for you to finish.

Liam: You were going to go swimming in Liam’s pool. You had to change, so you snuck into your bedroom while Liam was on the phone with management. You were wiggling into the suit when the door swung open. “Oh damn! Y/N!” Liam said, slamming the door. You laughed. “Liam, you can come in here if you want” you said and he hesitated. “You have seen me naked before” you laughed, and he walked in. You finished putting on your swimsuit and Liam blushed. “I know I’ve seen you naked before, but it still freaks me out to walk in on you changing” he said. You gave him a kiss on the nose and left so he could change comfortably.

Zayn: You had been painting, and you had accidentally got some paint in your hair. You went to go shower so you would be ready to go when Zayn came to get you for your date. You were just getting out of the shower when you heard Zayn call your name. “Hey babe” you called. Your bathroom was right next to your bedroom, and Zayn assumed you had called from your room. “Y/N I’m just going to check my hair in the bathroom while I wait” he called back, and before you could tell him not to come in the door was open. You were standing there, with a curling iron in your hair, naked. “Oh… Hi” Zayn said. “Hey…” you said, taking the curling iron out of your hair. You and Zayn had seen each other naked before, but it had been in intimate circumstances. “So uh… do you mind if I check my hair?” he asked. “No, go ahead” you replied, moving over so he could look in the mirror too. You two acted like you were fully clothed the whole time.

Harry: Harry was coming over for a sleepover, and you were excited to be really sexy for him. You had gone out and bought new lingerie to wear under your pajamas so he would be surprised when you guys got in bed together. You had just got out of the shower and you were doing your make up in your room. Not wanting to get anything on your new lingerie, you were naked. You were doing your mascara when you saw a curly haired man standing in the door way, arms crossed and smirking. “Harry!” you shouted, trying to cover up. He smiled bigger. “Is that stuff on the bed for me?” he said, referring to the lingerie. “Yeah kind of” you blushed. “Don’t bother tonight, it’s an extra step we can skip right now” he said, pulling you into a deep kiss and walking you to the bed.

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