You accidentally kick him "where it hurts"

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You accidentally kick him “where it hurts”

Louis: You two are having dinner with the boys. “This is delicious!” Niall exclaims before digging in for another forkful of spaghetti. You smile, as it had been your mother’s recipe for the [insert marinera or Alfredo here] sauce. Harry began talking about how he recently got laid but couldn’t find his beanie. “I get some more than Harry does,” Louis proudly declares. The boys ooh and whistle as Louis is about to go on, you kick his chair as you try to get him to stop. “Umph,” you hear from Louis as he bends over and looks at his crotch. Your eyes grow wide when you notice that it wasn’t his chair you kicked. You see that by the way Louis was sitting on the chair, his legs spread wide opened and his butt barely on the chair, it was an easy target. “Did [y/n] work you too hard last night, lad?” Harry asks.

Liam: You and the lads were out at a local bar to celebrate their recent success on going platinum with their latest album. You’ve had a bit much to drink and it was apparent. You are loopy and clumsy. Liam comes to your rescue, and tries to carry you over his shoulder. “Upsy-daisy.” Liam says with a grunt as he hauls you up. You giggle as you feel the strangest buzz in your head and outlines of figures and sparks of colors. You kick your legs in the air but one kick lands on Liam’s private area. Feeling the pain, Liam puts you down on a stool near the exit. “Liam, that’s what you get for trying to take advantage of [y/n].” Zayn says with a smirk.

Harry: It’s hot in the bedroom, as Harry accidentally turned up the heat instead of the air conditioner last night before bed. “Hazza, it’s the middle of the summer, I highly doubt the thermostat is supposed to be turned up this high.” you told him when you woke up to the sweltering heat and noticed the thermostat up at a toasty 90 degree Fahrenheit. He’s standing in front of you whilst you’re sitting on the bed with a smug look on his face. “Well, I guess this means less work for us to make this place hot!” Harry interjects. You roll your eyes and feel hungry. As you’re getting up, you accidentally knee him in the nuts. “Ouch!” Harry says. “Sorry.” you say, not sure if you should kiss his boo-boo or not.

Zayn: ”Shit!” Zayn curses. “What’s wrong babe?” you say groggily as you wake up. “Oh, nothing much, [y/n].” he says in a squeaky voice. “Come on, you can tell me.” you say playfully. Zayn shakes his head with a weak smile on his face. “Really, it’s not bad.” Zayn remarks before moving his hand down toward his pants. “Did I…” your voice trails off as you realize what you’ve done. You have been told over a million times that you kick while you sleep, but this just proves that you indeed do kick. “It’s not that bad… All guys get kicked in the balls every once in a while. It was just a… Erm… Surprise.” Zayn tells you. “Let me get you some ice…” you say as you get out of bed, a feeling of guilt running through your body.

Niall: ”Really?” Niall asks. “Yes, babe. I can flip people.” you say getting a tad bit annoyed. “Woah.” he breathes as he runs his hand through his hair. “Prove it… Flip me!” he challenges. “No.” you say firmly. “Please?” Niall says with a puppy dog face. “Oh, okay fine. You know I can’t resist that face.” you give in reluctantly. You two move the coffee table. “Are you sure?” you ask. He nods eagerly. You sigh before taking him by the arm to flip him. However, just as you’re about to flip him, your leg feels itchy and when you move it to get a better angle on the itch, you kick him in the balls. “Fuck.” Niall whispers under his breath as he lays on the ground holding his crotch.

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