You're Young and Cry For Him

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You’re Young and Cry For Him

Liam: You were sick. All you wanted to was lay with your brother and watch Disney’s movies. You had gone to the doctor’s office earlier, so Liam could get you some medicine. When you came home, you immediately fell asleep. Liam knew that he needed to get your medicine so he could get it into your system. He didn’t want to take you out and wake you up, so he called the boys to come watch you. He laid you down on the couch with your blanket. He waited until the boys were there and he was off. It takes about thirty minutes to get to the pharmacy and he has to wait and then it was thirty minute drive back. The boys were sitting around just relaxing when you woke up crying. Harry got up and picked you up and gentle rocked from side to side. You just cried louder. Louis went into the kitchen and made you a bottle. When Harry tried to give it to you, you refused it and cried harder. “Maybe she needs a diaper change?” Niall suggested walking into your nursery and grabbed a diaper and wipes. Harry tried to change you, but you just cried harder. They all tried rocking you gently and singing. You just cried and cried and cried. Finally, when Liam got home, Harry handed you off to him “She has been crying nonstop” He breathed out. Liam nodded and took you and rocked you gently. You slowly began calming down realizing you were in the arms of your brother. “You’ve got to be kidding me” Harry laughed. Liam sat down and softly sang to you. You grabbed onto his finger and slowly fell asleep.

Louis: Louis had been called to an emergency recording session at the studio. The boys had been over so they offered to stay with you and watch you. “Love, I got to go sing” “No!” You whispered. He nodded sadly, “Just for a little bit baby. I’ll be back” He said kissing your forehead. You began crying and holding your arms out. Louis just had to walk out the door. Liam came over and picked you up trying to calm you down. You had none of it. You cried and screamed. Liam tried to distract you by giving you food, drink, toys, or something. He passed you onto Zayn who tried softly singing to you. You continued. It got to the point where you were about to make yourself sick. You screamed and cried until you started spitting up. “Oy!” Niall exclaimed jumping up and grabbing a spit rag. They all had enough and knew that only Louis knew how to calm you down. They immediately picked up the phone and called Louis. He happened to be on his way home from the studio. He had to stop and fill up his car and then he would be home. When he walked in the door, he knew why they called. He cooed and took you. You noticed it was Louis and slowly began to settle into a slumber. The boys explained everything and Louis nodded knowing you were his special girl.

Niall: Your big brother Niall was about to go out on a date. He left the boys in charge of you because he wouldn’t trust anyone else. You had been fed, you were bathed, and Niall had rocked you to sleep. It was only seven, but being ten months old, he made sure you slept. He gave instructions to the boys and was out the door. You woke up to the sound a horn outside your window. You started crying in hopes that Niall was awake and would come in. But, when Louis walked in, you wanted Niall. He picked you up and rocked you. “What’s the matter baby?” He cooed gently. You just cried harder, “Ni” You cried out wiping at your eyes. He laid your head on his shoulder and walked around. “Ni’s on a date baby. He’ll be home soon, I promise” But you weren’t taking that for an answer. You cried harder and tried to catch your breath. “Ni  Ni” You screamed. The boys walked in and gave Louis a questioning look. He shrugged “She keeps screaming Ni” He whispered. You were crying and screaming and basically throwing a fit. They each took turns walking around the house rocking you in hopes of calming you down. When Niall walked in and you were screaming while Zayn was rocking you he was shocked “What the?” He stated. Your head whipped and you reached out. “NI!” He took you and rocked you gently. You calmed down and fell asleep cuddled into your big brother, now that he was home.

Harry: You were Harry’s girl. He had to run out for the night to take care of some business with some old friends, so the boys offered to watch you. Harry agreed and based them on everything they needed to know. He promised he wouldn’t be out late and that you should be fine. You had never been away from Harry this long, so you, in your baby mind, thought he was leaving. When the door shut, you looked around and didn’t see your brother. You stared and slowly started to form tears in your eyes. You began to upset yourself more and more. Niall picked you. “Princess, shhhhhh shhhhhh shhhhh” He whispered rubbing your back gently. You just cried harder. They all looked puzzled and were shocked, because you never acted this way. They tried feeding you food. You just cried. They tried giving you some apple juice. You cried. Diaper change. It changed from crying to screaming. When Harry finally arrived home and heard screaming but saw no one, he took off in the direction of your cries. He found off the boys huddled around you in the nursery. He walked in picking you up. “What happend?” He asked gently. Liam raised his eyebrows “She’s been crying and screaming all night. We’ve tried everything.” Harry gently rocked you telling you it was him and you instantly calmed down. Knowing your brother didn’t leave you and you being wrapped in his arms made you calm down and go to sleep.

Zayn: The boys were over when Zayn got a call from Perrie explaining that her car broke down and she couldn’t get anywhere. You were sleeping so he kindly asked the boys to stay while he went to go help out Perrie. They all agreed having nothing better to do. With that, Zayn was out the door. You woke up about fifteen minutes later. You laid there because you figured out that Zayn would come look at you in a little bit. After he didn’t, you started crying. Louis walked in and picked you up. He walked back in with the boys and sat you on the ground. You looked around not able to locate Zayn. That upset you. You cried and screamed and basically lost control. Liam dashed forward and picked you up gently. When you wouldn’t calm down, the boys were confused. They had tried everything in their possible possession to get you to calm down. You just reached out to nothing and were pracitcally crying your little head off. Finally, after Zayn not returning, and you pracitcally screaming bloody murder, Niall called Zayn. He immediately answered and told them he would be there soon. When he walked in and took site of you, he cooed and took you. He held you close and snug and sung your favorite song to you. You started to slowly calm down and about twenty minutes later, you were passed out in your brother’s arms. 

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