Your First Kiss

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Your First Kiss


Niall’s brother, Greg was getting married to one of your best friends. You were the maid of honor, and Niall of course was the best man. Although you and Niall had known each other before, you weren’t very close. But the past few months involved both of you working together to help with the wedding, and the two of you had gotten a lot closer. You had lunch, got ice cream, saw movies, you did practically everything together. But just as friends of course… At least, that’s what you kept telling yourself. You had heard that wedding caused people to develop feelings for each other, feelings that weren’t necessarily true. “That’s all it is”, you tried to convince yourself. But you could never shake the feeling that it was real. That you had true, strong feelings for Niall. The day of the wedding finally came around, and your feelings were at an all time high. Seeing Niall in a black tux, and boy did he look good.  And of course the two of you were expected to take pictures with each other, so the whole night you were glued to each other’s side. “Let’s get another one of the best man and the maid of honor!” the photographer shouted, motioning to the two of you. Niall wrapped his arm around your waist once again, and the two of you smiled at the camera. “Alright! Now you two look at each other”, he instructed. You and Niall obliged, not realizing how close your faces were to each other. As you turned your head, your lips grazed against Niall’s. Your eyes widened and both of you quietly gasped. “Sorry!” you began to mumble before Niall cut you off by pressing his lips against yours. His arms snaked around you waist as he kissed you, and you could hear the sound of the camera clicking. Your hands rested on Niall’s shoulders, and you now knew that your feelings were definitely real! The pictures turned out pretty interesting as well…

·         Liam

Both of your original plans had been canceled, so Liam had the idea for the two of you to go to New York City for New Year’s Eve. The crowd was huge and extremely loud. Liam tried to lead you through the crowd so you could get closer to the front to see the ball drop. He placed his right hand on the small of your back, sticking out his left arm to provide a barrier between you and the rest of the people. You were quite used to this though, having been out in public with Liam before. Every few steps you took were interrupted by a fan wanting a picture, a hug, or an autograph. 15 minutes and 27 (or was it 28?) fans later, you arrived at the front gate that blocked the crowd from the ball. You could hear the music blasting down the block and you had to practically scream just to talk to Liam. “This is awesome!” He smiled at you widely, “I’m glad you’re here with me!” He slipped his arm around your waist, pulling you to his side. You leaned into him, his body heat radiating off onto you. The air was cold and you could see your breath, the thought making you shiver. Instinctively, Liam wrapped his other arm around your shoulders trying to warm you up. “Only a few more minutes”, he breathed in your ear, glancing up at the large countdown clock. The few minutes passed by quickly as Liam silently held you in his arms. The clock then showed that there was only 30 seconds left, and the crowd began to count down. “10, 9, 8,7,6”, you smiled at Liam, both of your shouting out the numbers. “5,4,3,2,1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!” The crowd cheered, and many of the couples shared their first kiss of the year. Liam looked down at you, still holding on to your waist. He smiled at you somewhat cheekily, before leaning in and kissing you firmly on the lips. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you kissed him sweetly. And of course, pictures of the two of you began to appear all over the internet soon after.

·         Louis

The date was actually a disaster… Not on his part, but because of how awkward you were. During dinner you spilled your water all over the table, and as you were walking down the street you tripped a broke the heel of your shoe. Luckily Louis caught you so you didn’t fall to the ground, but your face still turned bright red with embarrassment. Louis laughed (not at you, but with you of course) trying to put you at ease. “Don’t worry Y/N, I got you.” The two of you walked down the street back towards your apartment, Louis holding you tight in his arms the whole way. This was not the way you planned for this to go. As cheesy as it sounds you had imagined your first date with Louis a millions times, expecting everything to go perfectly. This would be your first and last date with Louis. Why would he ever ask you out again? Noticing your solemn mood, Louis gently shook your shoulders. “You okay, Y/N?” “Yeah…” you whispered quietly, looking at the ground. You had just approached your apartment building and began to walk up the steps to the front door. Louis’ arms slid down your back, around to your arms, and finally had your hands in his. What was he doing? Surely he wasn’t going to try and kiss you. “I had a really fun time”, Louis said playing with your fingers. “Really?!” you asked doubtfully. “Of course. It’s nice to hang out with someone I can have a laugh with. Someone who doesn’t take everything so seriously.” It hit you at that moment, the realization that Louis didn’t want someone perfect. He wanted you. Even with all of your flaws and embarrassing moments, he wanted you. He leaned in then, kissing your lips gently. A feeling of warmth spread to your cheeks and a shiver went down your spine. A weird mixture, yes, but it felt just right.

·         Zayn

You had been over at Zayn’s house watching a movie when the heater suddenly broke. “It’s the middle of winter Zayn! We’re gonna freeze!” you screamed dramatically. Zayn laughed loudly before grabbing your hand and pulling you up from the couch. “Come on, let’s go grab all the blankets we can find.” The two of you ran around Zayn’s flat, grabbing the covers off his bed along with the blankets in the hall closet. You and Zayn sat back on the couch, piling all of the blankets on top of yourselves. Before resuming the movie, Zayn wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to his side. You situated yourself under his arm, wrapping your own arms around his waist and leaning your head against his chest. This wasn’t the first time you and Zayn sat like this, so he wasn’t surprised when you feel asleep. You really couldn’t help it thought. Zayn was just so comforting and the warmth of the blankets plus the steady sound of his heartbeat easily lulled you to sleep. When he heard your quiet snoring he chuckled slightly, turning the movie off. He glanced down at your face, so peaceful, so beautiful. He couldn’t stop himself from gently caressing your cheek. It was so soft and pink and warm. Hesitantly, he leaned down and pressed a small kiss to your cheek. The presence of his soft pink lips on your faces caused you to stir and wake up. “Did he just kiss me?!” you thought to yourself. But you didn’t have to wonder much longer, because Zayn went in for another, but this time he kissed your lips. Your head was spinning, and you eagerly kissed him back. When you pulled away, neither of you knew what to say. But you really didn’t have to say anything. Both of you knew how you felt about each other. So you stayed silent, cuddling back into Zayn’s arms, smiling sleepily.

·         Harry

It was your first Christmas away from home, so of course Harry invited you to spend it with him. One of his friends was having a small party filled with gingerbread men, eggnog, presents, you name it. You felt your stomach start to growl so you made your way towards the snack table. “It think this is my fifth one”, you heard Harry laugh as he came up behind you with a half eaten, snowman shaped cookie in his hand. “You better watch it or you’re gonna get a stomach ache”, you giggle, poking his stomach playfully. His dark blue sweater was soft against your fingertip, and you had to admit that he looked incredibly cute. You began to reach for a cookie when Liam suddenly yelled out, “look who’s under the mistletoe!” You quickly looked around the room, searching for the pair that would soon have to kiss. That’s when you realized that everyone was staring at you and Harry. Slowly, somewhat cautiously, you looked above your head and saw the mistletoe hanging directly over you and Harry. Your heart raced as your eyes darted to his face just in time to see him biting his lip nervously. He placed his cookie on a napkin and stepped towards you slowly, gently cupping your face. You stared into his eyes for what seemed like a million years before Harry finally pressed his lips to yours. Your whole body began to tingle as you slightly grabbed onto Harry’s sweater. He pulled away slowly, remembering that there were about 30 other people in the room who had all fallen silent. Harry smiled widely, showing off his cute dimples. You had to remind yourself to thank Liam later.

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