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You quietly get out bed being as careful as you can to not wake up Harry, who after a long night of going out to the pub with Niall was sleeping until god knows when. You in the other hand noticed that the flat needed to be cleaned, so you got dressed quietly slipping on Harry’s Ramones T-shirt and closing the bed room door and headed towards the foyer. You grabbed the feather duster from the hall closet and began dusting the shelves and the small trinkets that were there. You didn’t plug in your iPod to the stereo dick system because you didn’t want to wake up Harry this early, so instead you were softly humming to yourself while dusting the shelves. “Be our guest, be our guest put our service to the guest…” You sang softly while dusting off the television set spinning as you dust it off the bear by lamp, “And we’ll provide the rest , Soup du jour, Hot hors d’oeuvres, why we only live to serve, try the gray stuff is-” “Delicious! ” you heard from the door way. “Sorry kitten, I went to the bathroom and I heard you humming and then I came to see that you were reenacting Beauty and the Beast!” He said laughing softly. “In my defense, the feather duster is to blame here.” “I’m sure it is, Y/N.” he says while kissing you softly. “How about I make you some crêpes?” “Be my guest.” You said laughing at your own pun while he just shook his head trying not to laugh.

Since Niall was out and nowhere near your house you decided to take the opportunity to do your weekly cleaning. You never like to wear any good clothing while cleaning so you decided to slip on Niall’s yellow and black eagles shirt with leggings and slippers. You turned on Pandora and one of your favorite songs, Applause by Lady Gaga came on. You started dancing with the mop, spinning it to and fro, singing every now and again. “I live for the applause applause applause. I live for the applause-plause, live for the-” Just as you were clapping your hands to the beat you heard the door open and you quickly shut the music off and tried to play the situation off without Niall knowing. He wasn’t stupid though and he knew what was going on.
“So you decide to stop when I come in. I can hear you singing and dancing from down the street. C’mon let me see your moves.” He puts the bags down and the two of you start to move in sync.
“I like this”, he said, “we should do this more often”.

You slowly rolled out of bed and made your way to yours and Zayns shared closet. You grabbed a pair of yoga pants and one of Zayns sweater. You tied your hair into a high ponytail, grab your iPod and head towards the living ready to begin your weekly full out cleaning of the flat. You plug in your iPod into the dock and press shuffle, smiling as a Maroon 5 song came on. You began vacuuming the rug and underneath the rug too, singing and dancing along to it, using the vacuum as your prop. “I got the mo-o-oves like jagger, the mo-o-oves like jagger, I got the mo-” as you spun around you came face to face to a snickering Zayn, a hand covering his mouth trying to cover up his laughter. “So Y/N, you got the moves like jagger huh?” “What can I say? Your sweater gives me dancing powers.” You replied, pecking his lips before going back to vacuuming.

Ever since you were little you always made sure that your room was clean. Sharing a flat with your long time boyfriend didn’t change your cleaning habits, even though it was a Saturday morning. Usually you would sleep in but since Louis was off recording and the flat was in need of an early spring cleaning you woke up earlier than usual. You quickly got up and changed into some softie shorts and grabbed one of Louis’s shirts from his draw and set off to clean the flat. A couple of hours must’ve passed and you were almost done cleaning, the last place that needed to be sparkling clean was the kitchen. You didn’t feel time go by as you had your earphones and pod secure around your arm and ears. You were brushing the sink when the song Gas Pedal came on. Normally you wouldn’t have that genre of music but having seen countless of vines to that song made you put it in your iPod, the tune was just too catchy to resist. “Gas pedal gas pedal gas pedal…” You sang along, gas pedaling around the kitchen. The sound of laughter brought you back from your dancing. 
“So this is how you clean around the house? Looks like I missed a heck of a good show.” Louis said laughing even more. “Laugh it Lou, laugh it up.” You said, smacking him lightly with a kitchen rag.

Liam: To be completely fair, you thought that Liam wasn’t home when started to sing the lyrics from Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran. You pranced around your shared living room polishing every piece of furniture. You were wearing Liam’s white peace sign shirt, a favorite of the both of yours. You always stole it from him but he never minded. “So kiss me like you wanna be loved, wanna be-“. You turned around and spot Liam in the doorway admiring you. Just as you acknowledged him and stopped singing he slowly and seductively clapped his hands in awe. You blushed. “No keep going”, he said, “I love it when you sing.” You went on and soon Liam joined in and your cleaning afternoon turned into a duet session between the two of you. Nothing could compare to moments like this.

One Direction Preferences Part 2Where stories live. Discover now