You paint his nails while he's sleeping

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You paint his nails while he’s sleeping

Harry: "And on Wednesday, we wear pink." You giggled to yourself, almost dropping the pink nail polish bottle you held in your hands. Since Harry had been sleeping most of the afternoon, and you had been rather bored, somehow you ended up painting his nails. Surprisingly, he did not feel a thing, as you painted his nails; and after you finished doing so, you took a picture and uploaded it to twitter. Later on, when Harry awoke, not yet noticing his nails, he checked his twitter. The fans had started trending #We_love_harry’s_manicure, with many pictures of his pink nails attached. Harry could not believe what you had done. "[Y/N]!! You’re going to pay for this, you naughty girl!" Harry yelled up from his room. 

Niall: "Niall! I’m home!" You entered Niall’s flat, taking off your coat and your hat. It was raining outside, and since the weather was rather cold, your boyfriend had invited you over to have some hot cocoa and to watch some movies. However, when you walked in the living room, you found Niall completely passed out on the couch, snoring softly. You didn’t want to wake him up, and since you were a bit irritated that he had fallen asleep before you arrived at his house, you decided to play a small prank on him. While Niall slept, you took a red nail-polish bottle out of your bag and started painting his nails. After you were done, you went up to the kitchen to prepare some hot cocoa. Moments later, Niall awoke and noticed you were there. "Hey, princess, sorry I fell asleep." He wrapped his arms around your waist. "Oh, don’t worry, I took care of that!" You giggled as Niall then noticed his red painted nails. "You’ve got to be kidding me!" He exclaimed as you laughed out loud. 

Louis: Your heart was beating rapidly, and you felt quite nervous as you painted your boyfriend’s nails while he was asleep. Louis had been sleeping for a while now, and somehow you had the bright idea of painting his nails dark purple. You had no idea how he would react, but you thought the whole situation was quite funny. You were in the process of painting his right hand when he started stirring and moving. You stopped painting his nails and held your breath as Louis woke up. “What are you doing?” He asked, his voice was honeyed with sleep. “Erm…” You cleared your throat as he noticed the nail-polish bottle in your hands. Louis looked at his hands and gasped, “Well at least finish the other hand if you already started!” He exclaimed, making you paint his left hand nails.

Zayn: ”Zayn, come on! We’ve been sleeping in bed all day long! Lets do something outside, I”m bored!” You complained as your boyfriend laid beside you in bed, sleeping. “No, stop it, boo.” Zayn yawned, “Just go back to sleep.” He added, fading off into sleep. You groaned and stood up from the bed. Zayn had fallen asleep, and since you were bored, you started to paint your toenails. As you did so, you had a silly idea of painting his nails. You took his hands and started painting his nails with a black nail-polish. Right after you were done, Zayn woke up and frowned. “What the….oh my gosh!” He exclaimed. “What have you done!?” He started grinning, “You only get away with this because I love you.” He added once you started laughing. 

Liam: "Liam! The pizza is ready!" You called out from the kitchen, where you had spent the past forty-five minutes making a homemade pizza. Liam had been upstairs watching a movie, and you waited patiently for him to walk down; however, as he didn’t, you rushed upstairs to check on him. You sighed as you noticed him curled up on the bed, sleeping. He looked too cute to be woken up, thus you laid next to him for a while. Moments later, you got up from bed and decided to paint his nails - just for the fun of it. "It looks great babe." You laughed as Liam awoke, right after you were done painting his nails. "What looks great? The pizza?" He yawned. "Erm…your nails." You pointed at his nails, which were painted bright green. "Oh my goodness, can these come off? At least it’s a cute color…did you use all of your nail-polish on me babe? Do you want me to buy you a new one?" He asked. 

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