He talks to you about boys

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He talks to you about boys

Harry: (you’re 15)

You were so excited. You finally got your first official serious boyfriend. You dated guys before but this was different. He was your first boyfriend you went out alone with. You were in your room picking your outfit out for your date. “(y/n) Can I come in?” You hear your brother Harry ask as he knocks on the door. You don’t answer but he comes in anyway. He sits on your bed. “Don’t you think that dress is a bit too exposing?” Harry asks. You look at him confused. You were a dress that went just above your knees and it had sleeves. “(y/n) sit down,” He says as he opens his arms. You sit in your brothers lap and feel like a child again. “You really like him don’t you?” He asks. You remove your head from his shoulder and look at him and nod. “Don’t let him do anything to you ok?” You were going to say something but decided just to keep quiet. You heard a honk outside. You get up, “Be careful alright?” Harry says. You give him a hug before running down the stairs. “I love you Harry!” You scream before you walk out the door.

Liam: (you’re 16)

You were sitting in your living room watching a movie with your brother. Randomly your brother says “Hey (y/n) have you had a boyfriend?” You look at him funny and he shrugs. “Yes?” You say. “Oh…what have you done? With these boyfriends…?” “Liam where is this going?” “I-I just want to make sure you’re safe.” You now understand. “Liam I haven’t done anything like that! Don’t you trust me?” You ask almost offended that your own brother would think you would do something like that. You’re only 15! He laughs a bit and pulls you into his arms. “Of course I do. I just don’t trust the guys.” “Liam, I promise if I have trouble with a guy I’ll tell you,” “You better.” He says.

Louis: (you’re 14)

“Hey Louis?” You say to your brother as you two are cleaning the basement. “Mhm?” “How did you know you were in love with Eleanor?” He drops the box he’s holding and turn to face you. “Why?” You shrug and continue cleaning. He walks towards you and taps you on the shoulder. You turn around to look at him. Just by the look of his face you know he’s waiting for an answer. Instead you ask another question “Is it fun to love someone and know they love you back?” “Where is all this coming from?” he asks you. “I don’t know. I guess I just want to know what it’s to be loved.” “You have a brother who loves you right here!” He hugs you. You get out of his hug “You know what I mean.” He sighs. “Don’t fall in love (y/n). Not yet anyways. You’re young. You have a lot of time left. Explore a bit first,” “What do you mean?” You ask walking up to him. He puts an arm around you, “Don’t look for love, Let love find you.”

Niall:  (you’re 12)

You knock on your brothers door. “What?” He asks opening the door a bit. “Niall what makes you like a girl?” Confused he opens the door more and lets you in. You take a seat on his messy bed and start to play with the blanket. “Well? Are you going to answer me?” You ask. He sits down next to you, “Well I guess when a girl has a good sense of humor and doesn’t really take life too seriously. That’s what I like in a girl.” “So be fun?” You ask. “Why do you want to know?” Niall asks. “Because,” You begin “Everyone in my grade are getting boyfriends. And I don’t have one yet,” “You don’t need one yet!” Niall says. “Yes I do!” You say back. “Stay away from boys (y/n) they’re not nice.” You sigh. “When can I have a boyfriend then?” “When I’m dead.” He laughs. You glare at him. “Whatever. I’m calling Harry. He’ll help me” You say. “(Y/N)” Niall calls as you walk towards the door. You turn “What?” “Just be yourself.”

Zayn: (you’re 16)

You have been getting some rude text messages from some boys in your grade. They weren’t so much rude as they were inappropriate. There must have been some sort of rumor going around school about you and it was making yourself very popular with the guys. It started off with a few guys and a few texts but now it’s become more than half the guys in your grade and 24/7 texts. One night when it was just you and Zayn you decide to bring it up. “Hey Zayn, you want to beat up some guys for me?” You choke out. You didn’t think you would end up crying because of this but you finally realize what’s actually going on. “What happened?” You don’t respond. You just give him your phone as you wipe your tears. “Who are these guys? I’ll fucking kill them.” Zayn yells. His raised voice makes you cry even more.  He sits next to you “(y/n) don’t read these. We’re going to get you a new number ok? These guys are just being douchebag’s and trying to take advantage of you because you’re a good girl. I promise you I won’t let them near you”

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