You're the sixth member of One Direction, and he wants to go out with you

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You're the sixth member of One Direction, and he wants to go out with you

NIALL: "So, here's your bunk bed," he points out, showing you around the tour bus. "You can be on the top," he adds, "I'll be sharing with you-- I mean, if that's fine with you." "No problem," you replied, placing your bag on the floor. "So...," his voice trails off, leaving it silent. But it breaks as soon as Louis comes in. "Did you ask her, Niall?" He questioned. "Ask me what?" "Erm," he looked to Louis, begging him to leave them alone. He laughs, before leaving, he pats his back, saying, "Go get her, Horan." When he leaves, Niall turns back to you. "Sorry about that," he apologized, "Louis' a nut job." You laugh, making him smile. "Do you want to go out, sometime, (Y/N)?" You nod, making him grin again.

LOUIS: "You're hilarious," he compliments you, after you two pulled off another prank. "You're funny as well, Lou," you replied, seeing a smile form on his face. "You know I mean it," he added, "And that you're cool, and really chilled, and especially sassy." You giggle at his comment, as he take a breath in. "Would you like to go out with me, (Y/N)? Like as in a real date?" "It depends," you teased, making him furrow his eyebrows in confusion. "Depends on what?" "If Paul doesn't get mad at us for pranking him." "Why would he be angry? He doesn't know it was us." He was tapped on the shoulder, turning around to see Paul. "But now I do," Paul grabs Louis, dragging him to management, as he calls out, "I'll pick you up at five!"

HARRY: "She's gorgeous," he mumbles, underneath his breath. Lou was fixing your makeup, and he was watching you, until Paul snapped him back into focus. He laughs, staring at you and him. "You must fancy her, huh?" "N-no. I don't," Harry stammers, making Paul smile. "Don't deny it. I see that look-- not the ordinary look you have when you see your previous girlfriends-- it's the 'she's-the-one' look." "So, you're saying that she could be, you know, the future Mrs. Styles?" "Possibly. But you'll never know if you don't try." He just pushes Harry closer to you, making him stumble. "Hi Harry," you smiled. "Hello, Mrs. Sty--, I mean, (Y/N)."

ZAYN: "Cut!" The director announced, "Zayn, focus, please." He just nods, as the other lads try to muffle their laughs. "Let's just take another break," he sighs in frustration. Zayn just nods, walking to the dressing room alone. Knocking onto the door, he opens it, seeing you. He gives you a smile, moving out of the way so you can come inside. "I've been stressed out," he explains, telling you why he couldn't focus. "Why?" "Well," he starts, "there's a girl, and I really like her. But... I don't have any courage to ask her out." Your heart shattered, making you hold back your tears. "I gotta go," you mumbled, walking out the door. "Hey," he pulled you by your arm back inside. "Are you crying?" You don't reply, making Zayn realize what's going on. He takes a breathe in, before saying, "You know, I was talking about you." You looked up at him, making him smile. "I like you, silly. Not anyone else."

LIAM: As management introduced you, the love-strucked lad couldn't take his eyes off you, nor listen to the boys as they called his name. "Come on, Liam," Niall tugged his arm, "You don't want to frighten the lass." "Yeah," he muttered to himself, "I guess you're right." Niall walked out of the room, leaving you and Liam alone. He bit his lower lip, butterflies in his stomach as he made his way to you. "Hi (Y/N)," he greeted, taking a seat next to you. "Hey," you replied, smiling. "Erm, I have a question to ask you, if you don't mind." You waited for his question, seeing him all flustered. "Would you... like to go out with me?" He asks, his fingers crossing behind his back. "Sure," you answered, seeing him relieved. "I'll pick you up then," he stands up from his chair, "at seven?" "Seven is perfect."

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