You're crying

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You're crying

Harry: Since you were on your period, you were struggling to keep your emotions in check. One moment you were a happy camper and the next you were close to breaking point. “(Y/N)?” Harry called. You were lying face down on your bed and didn’t hear him come home. “(Y/N)?” has asked, his voice coming from the doorway. You turned your head slightly “Leave me alone to die” you sniffled. He laughed and you heard his heavy footsteps move towards you. His arms wrapped around you as he lay down. “What’s wrong?” he whispered, burying his face into your hair. You shrugged “Girl stuff” He made a noise of understanding, kissing your hair “I’m going to prepare your favourite meal and get you some tea” You nodded slightly, not letting him go “Stay with me a little longer?” He chuckled but tightened his arms around you.

Liam: Once again this one boy had been picking on you from the start of the school day. He threw paper balls at you, pushed you into lockers and hurled insults at you constantly. You decided to leave early and go to Liam’s flat. When you arrived, you walked through his front door, hearing his voice from the kitchen. He was in the middle of doing a twitcam while making something to eat. When he saw you watching him from the doorway, his expression became concerned. Before he could question you, you rushed into his arms and broke down into tears -forgetting he was doing a twitcam-. He quickly shut the laptop and done his best to comfort you. “Is it that boy again?” he asked quietly once you had settled down. You nodded, not taking your face from his chest. “(Y/N) you have to do something about this. If you want, I can talk to him” Again, you nodded. He made you look at him. “Smile please. I don’t like seeing you upset” he whispered, stroking your face with his thumb. You cracked a small smile and he grinned back “That’s where my pretty girlfriend went!”

Louis: You were curled up on the couch watching Remember Me. You had never seen it and heard that it was an emotional film. Tears were streaming down your face as the closing credits appeared on the screen. You sighed, hating how emotional you got at films. The front door slammed shut and your boyfriend came rushing in. “Heeeeeeey (Y/N)! Guess what Lia-Are you okay?” he asked, rushing to your side. You nodded, laughing slightly at how ridiculous you must have looked. “I was watching a film” you explained. Louis sighed, flopping back onto the couch “Don’t do that! I thought something had happened!” You smiled at his silliness and curled up next to him. You started playing with the material of his famous striped shirt “You never finished your story” He laughed and poked your nose “That’s because someone almost gave me a heart attack” You giggled and listened to him tell the story about Liam. 

Niall: Whore, fat, worthless. Niall deserves so much better than you! This was just a few of the hurtful comments you had received this week about your relationship with Niall. Usually you were as carefree as him, brushing the hate off of your shoulder but today, you just seemed to enjoy torturing yourself by looking at your twitter. “Princess?” Niall asked, knocking on the bathroom door “You’ve been in there a while. Are you alright?” You cleared your throat “I’m fine. I’ll be out in a minute” you hoped that your voice hadn’t faltered. “I’m coming in” Niall replied. You cursed when you realised you hadn’t locked the door and began to hastily wipe away your tears. When the door opened, Niall took in the sight before him. You holding your phone, tears streaming down your face. He came over and took the phone from your grasp, looking at the screen. He sighed and typed out a quick message. He pulled you into a tight hug “They won’t bother you any more” 

Zayn: You sat on the living room floor staring blankly ahead. Your mum had just called to inform you that your grandma had passed away. You were devastated as you were so close to her. You text Zayn asking him to come over and he said he’d be there soon. You had been sitting in the same position for over twenty minutes. You heard the your door open and close, meaning that Zayn was here. He found you on the floor and crouched down in front of you. “She’s gone Zayn” you mumbled. “Who’s gone baby?” he asked, reaching out to tuck a strand of loose hair behind your ear. “My grandma” you whispered. He bit his lip, knowing how close you two were. “(Y/N) I’m so sorry” he whispered, pulling you against his chest. You cried into his chest. “I know this is hard baby but you will get through this. I’ll be there every step of the way” he promised. 

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