Simon walks in on you two

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Simon walks in on you two

Harry : You followed Harry along all day, interview after interview, then meet and greet, then meetings.  You had a break before meeting with SYCO at a gorgeous hotel.  The meeting wasn’t for an hour, not leaving you much time to go out somewhere, but leaving you enough time to be bored.  Harry decides to get a hotel room at the hotel, even though it would only be for like an hour, so you guys could relax.  You get up to the suite a buy a movie On Demand.  You were about forty minutes into the movie when a steamy scene came on, and I guess Harry felt a little inspired.  He rolled on top of you and started kissing down your neck.  You moved him up to your lips and began making out.  Harry started unbuttoning your jeans.  ”Harry,”  You pulled away but he just started kissing your neck again.  ”we can’t, your meeting is in a few minutes.”  ”It will be quick.”  He said in to your neck.  He took his pants off and you took your shirt off.  Just as he was pulling down your undies, the door bust open.  There stood a very giggly Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn.  Beside Zayn stood Simon Cowell, wide eyed as ever.  Harry hopped off of you, clearly forgetting he was nude.  You handed him a pillow to cover himself.  ”Sorry.”  Harry smiled awkwardly.  ’You’re late for the meeting.”  Louis smirked. They all backed out of the door and shut it quickly.  ”Simon looked like he just saw a really bad X Factor audition.”  You both laughed as you put your clothes on.  

Liam : One Direction was playing a huge show at Wembley Stadium.  Tons of celebrities were coming to the show along with that mass of fans.  You could tell Liam was nervous because he was pacing around his dressing room.  ”Liam, come here.”  You patted down beside you on the couch.  He sat down next to you, “I’m so nervous,”  he sighed.  ”Don’t be, you are going to nail it like you do every show.”  You got on top of him and straddled him.  ”Are you going to help ease my nerves?” He asked flirtatiously.  ”Mhm.”  You moaned as you kissed him.  The kiss was deepened.  Liam tugged on your shirt and you helped him to pull it off.  You unbuttoned his plaid shirt as he undid your bra clasp.  You moved so you were laying down and he was on top of you.  He kissed down your body and started to take off your shorts, but he stopped when the door opened.  He quickly grabbed his shirt from the floor and covered you best he could.  Paul and Simon stood in the doorway.  Paul buried his face in his hands, embarrassed that he just led Simon Cowell in to Liam about to have sex.  ”Hello,”  Liam smiled awkwardly.  ”Just wanted to wish you luck tonight, Liam.  But I see you’ve already gotten lucky.”  He smirked cheekily as he walked out the door, but other than that smirk, his face was straight and just a typical Simon face.  ”Oh God.”  Liam sighed as they left.  ”That was humiliating.”  You agreed.  

Niall : You came to visit Niall on tour.  It was the first you’d seen of him in a month and you couldn’t seem to get alone together.  Backstage at the show, everyone was always coming to talk to Niall.  ”Let’s go to the bus,”  he whispered to you.  He led you to the bus, hoping you could be alone there.  Nobody was on the bus so it was perfect.  You climbed in to Niall’s bunk and he climbed on top of you.  It was a tight fit, but you liked it that way.  You missed each other so much, so you didn’t waste time getting to it.  There was so much lust in Niall’s eyes you couldn’t take it.  You lips moved together hungrily and passionately.  You pulled off each others clothes without breaking the kiss.  Just as the make out session was about to evolve in to something more, the curtain of the bunk was pulled open.  ”Look who came to the show tonight!”  Liam said with a smile, but the smile quickly turned into shock once he realized what he just opened up to.  Niall pulled the curtain shut quickly.  ”Sorry!  I’ll see you when your done.”  Liam apologized and him and Simon headed for the door.  Before the exited you heard Simon say, “Didn’t expect to see that from Niall.”  

Louis : The band had just gotten back to London after a long US tour.  Fans surrounded the complex where the boys lived.  They weren’t able to leave their apartments because authorities thought it would be too dangerous.  So the meeting regarding the boys next album had to be relocated to Harry and Louis’ apartment.  Paul, Simon, and a bunch of writers were all set to come to the apartment.  ”What time is the meeting?”  You asked Louis as you cuddled on his bed.  ”No idea.”  He laughed.  He leaned down to kiss you.  The kiss turned in to something more, Louis was on top of you, both of you completely naked.  You moaned as he kissed down your neck. He giggled at your moaning, “You’re so cute.”  He leaned over to his nightstand to get a condom.  ”Louis!”  Harry yelled, but you couldn’t stop before he barged through the door leaving it wide open.  Harry started hysterical laughing.  Simon walked over to see what it was all about and shook his head.  ”We’ll be out in a minute.”  Louis smiled.  Harry and Simon left closing the door and Louis began kissing you again.  ”Lou!  We can’t finish this right now.”  You pushed him off of you and put your clothes on.  ”You are such a tease.”   He laughed. 

Zayn : Zayn pretty much had the day off.  The two of you spent the day walking around London.  Zayn had to stop by the X Factor set to meet with Simon for something real quick.  He promised it wouldn’t be long and dragged you with him.  You got there and were asked to wait in a nice private room, Simon had to finish something.  You’d been in there for thirty minutes and were bored out of your mind.  Boredom leads to kissing and thats exactly what happened.  Both of you forgot where you were and got carried away and soon your clothes were thrown across the room.  Your moans made it difficult to hear the footsteps so you weren’t expecting the door to open.  Simon walked in and rolled his eyes.  ”I’m going to enter again in thirty seconds.”  He left and closed the door.  You and Zayn rushed to get your clothes back on and he came in again.  ”Since I made you wait so long, I’m going to forget that little unprofessional encounter.”  He said as he brought out papers for Zayn to sign.  You were so red.  

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