You lose your memory part 2 (His Pov)

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You lose your memory part 2

Niall- "Niall come here," Liam said. They all gave me a group hug. 

"Why don’t we talk to a doctor and see if there is anything we can do to jog her memory," Louis said breaking from the hug, he walked over to the doctor that just left  (Y/N)’s room.

"Excuse me, Sir," the doctor turned around, "We were wondering if there are anything we could do to help (Y/N)’s memory." the doctor let out and a sigh,

"We appreciate you lads wanting to help, but there really isn’t anything for you to do."  I fell back into the chair behind me, and buried my head in my hands, Louis saw this and continued,

"Come on, look at him," he said pointing to me, "He is a mess, he is in love with that girl in there and you are tell in me there is nothing he can do to help!" The doctor was a little bit thrown off,

"Umm…well…I guess you lads could go back to her house and find any personal belongings with a huge significance, for her to look at." My head shoot out of my hands. I turned my attention towards Liam and Zayn,

"Could you two go back to our flat, (Y/N) has a blanket since she was younger that she always sleeps with, could you bring it back," Zayn stood up and grabbed his car keys from his pocket, 

"Anything else?"

"Umm, Yeah. Aftershave she bought me on our three year anniversary, Harry you know which on it is, could you go with them? Her purple scarf,teddy bear, and her journal. Those are all special things to her.

"Ok, we will be back shortly." Harry shouted as they ran down the hall to the lift.

~Half An Hour Later~

Once Zayn, Liam, and Harry came back the doctors began their test. At first (Y/N) didn’t know what any of the things were. So the doctor had her smell the blanket and tell us what she saw,

"Um…I she myself in my childhood bedroom, a couple years ago talking to my best friend about moving to London to finish my studies."

"Ok good, keep your eyes closed and talk another sniff." The doctor said taking notes.

"Ok…umm, now I she myself in a different bedroom, I am in my flannel pjs talking to a boy. He is sitting at the edge of the bed asking what I was finding. I finally gave in and showed him the blanket. He then walked over to the other side of the bed and pulled at a blanket of his own," she then opened her eyed and stared at me, "You were the boy who’s house I was at!"

"Yeah," I said scratching my neck, "but you still don’t know who I am do you?" I sighed.

"No, I think I do. Your my boyfriend aren’t you?"

"Yeah,I am your boyfriend, Niall." I said with a smile.

"Niall Horan?" I looked up at her astonished.

"You do remember me, Princess," I hugged her as tears run down my face.

"I do remember you, my Prince!" 

Zayn- "Wait come back. Hold on!" The five of us turned around to her the shouts coming from (Y/N)’s room. The lads quickly wheeled me back to her room.

"Is everything alright?" Liam asked as we got to her room. I wiped the tears away from my eyes, and looked up at her.

"Yeah I am alright. It is just that my parents are still in America, and the doctors and nurses wouldn’t let me see any visitors. My apparent fiance, or that is what the nurses told me, is also in the hospital. Unfortunately can’t remember to much. So I was wondering if you guys would like to keep me company, I have been very bored."   

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